What happened to the Pants of the Naaru?
They went from this vision of skimpy loveliness, the classic bikini with thigh straps:
To looking like this, with filled in legs and green bands around the ankles:
In fact, it looks like they forgot that a female toon is wearing them from the thigh down, and filled it in with the male version of the leggings:
When we call for equality in skimpiness, we don’t mean for you to make the female version match the more covered male version, quite the opposite is what we be wanting.
This change ruins so many beautiful outfits! So much time put into finding the perfect match for a harmonious look and now all that effort is put to waste.
A complete travesty to all things transmog and skimpy related.
Please restore them to what they were before.
Edit: It’s a bug, they be looking into fixing it.
Maybe they decided it looks too much like garters.
Her legs look like green tipped pencils now
It looks like Spiritshoud Leggings changed as well, but since it went in a skimpier direction, my personal outrage meter is currently set to 0 on it.
It’s now an alternative to the Pants of the Naaru, if you are lucky enough to already have it since it is a removed item.
Those went from this:
To this:
Edit: Pretty sure these weren’t shorts on a male before, but it’s mirroring the female look from the thigh down too now.
And I’m just sitting here wishing I had skimpy pants…
So one item got changed?
Be glad it wasn;t all of them.
It was many. Pants of the Naruu got hit as well.
Hey now, it’s an important item!
Armorkinis are so limited in number, we need to preserve every single one we have!
Can you share your pants with us leather wearers QQ
Sorry too many dudes have girl toons and on top that push the envelope by wearing bikinis. I think they r sex perves in disguise.
You can has Warbear Woolies and Thunderlord Leggings.
Leather options are so very limited. >.<
Let me rephrase:
Can you share the pants that look like I actually groom my self 
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I am an undisguised sex perv, thank you very much.
As for the OP: I am very upset about this. My naaru pants are my go-to “don’t mess up the dress” leg mogs. If only they hadn’t kept pants as the single non-hideable piece for some unfathomable reason…
I really don’t understand the seemingly puritanical approach to some of this stuff. Like…there’s literally a toy that makes your character look like they’ve got nothing equipped, but we can’t xmog it.
It’s an American company. My character has a body count pushing seven digits, but god forbid she make some teenager feel funny in his/her downstairs mixup.
South Korea is just as conservative as this country…and have you seen some of the stuff characters are running around in in their MMOs?
Your 69th post is about sex pervs in disguise.
Excuse me while I giggle over here.
I wish y’all had more options than fuzzy underwear, I really do. 
There’s a name of a person I feel is appropriate for this thread but invoking the name is akin to Voldemort.
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Who? Ion? I know he apparently couldn’t care less about xmog, but you’d think someone on the dev team would…