Pandaria Portals gone

Because doing it all at once was an inconvenience to blizzard…somehow.
Geezus…the white knighting in here gets nauseating.


Oh that hub. I thought we were talking about the portal to panda land. I have never been there since MoP, haven’t needed to since the portals you need are all in the new content.

Yes, new dalaran does make it obsolete as a whole.

But it kinds does, there are even more portals in new Dal to areas that panda land never offered.

Kinda bummed about this. I still have all of my high level characters hearthed in Pandaria so I have access to old world portals through there and through Dalaran. Useful for hopping around without waiting for a hearthstone to cool down.


This isn’t little


ok…new dalaran.
And for those of us who have characters locked at 90 and cant take them into new dalaran?
Not everyone is always playing current content.


Bliz could fix this by letting our hearth stones be set to maybe 3 places instead of one.


Unless I missed something, mage created portals are usable by anyone regardless of player level.

And as long as you’re a subscriber, you have access to Legion content, so even though you’re level 90, you can still get a mage portal to Dalaran and set your hearth there. You just won’t have access to the Dalaran Hearthstone.

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Not everyone plays a mage? Not everyone knows a person who plays a mage who is available on demand? Not everyone wants to try to find a mage via chat and wait and hope that someone is willing to do a stranger a favor? Not everyone wants to pay for something that could be done instantly and for free otherwise?



I’m surprised it took this long to strip them out, honestly. The portal hals should only be in the current expansion’s hub.

If you wanna zippity-dippity all around the world, be a mage, engineer, or dark iron dwarf.

Sounds like that’s a personal issue.

It wouldn’t matter if you played a mage, because at level 90 you still wouldn’t have access to the Legion Dalaran portal. The rest of what you typed is nothing but excuses. Ask in trade, it doesn’t take much effort. If you’re not willing to do that, then the lack of available convenience is your fault.

Also not tipping is extremely scummy. Always tip a mage who takes time out of their day to give you a portal.

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8.1.5 will be January 22nd when the new raid launches.

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It will probably be earlier actually. Probably a week or so in order to iron out any bugs or patch issues that arise before the raid becomes available for players.

Looking back at WoW patch history. 7.1.5 launched on the 10th of January in 2017. The Nighthold raid didn’t open until January 17th.

True, they usually do the X.X.5 patches a week before the raid launches. So I guess that would be January 15th.

Apologies if I gave that impression. I would tip if a mage gave me a portal somewhere, but I don’t ask for favors in chat, so it’s a situation that’s never come up for me. I like being self sufficient. I have, though, given other folks portals when playing my mage characters on occasion.

Setting hearth in Dalaran doesn’t fix the convenience previously of having access to both Pandaria and Dalaran portals via two hearthstones. It’s not a major issue, but it is an inconvenience since I’m not going to ask a stranger to port me somewhere every time my Dalaran hearthstone is on cooldown and I want to go somewhere else.

I think it’s Blizz’s goal, with every patch, to implement a stealth QOL nerf that pisses everybody off.

If only they were this consistent with solving real problems…


Technically it does though.
Because now you have two hearthstones that take you to the same place. Instead of one hearthstone sending you to Pandaria where there are only capital city portals, now your Dalaran Hearth and your standard Hearth both send you to the same place, which has access to far more portals. Not only can you travel to all the major capitals (except WotLK Dalaran) but you also get access to all the portals beneath the city meaning you have easy access to the following locations:

  • Caverns of Time
  • Dalaran Crater
  • Karazhan
  • Shattrath City
  • Wyrmrest Temple (where you can easily fly to WotLK Dalaran or any raid)

Some people just like the Shrines better than SW or Org too. There was really no reason to remove this hub. I’d rather they nuke Dalaran over BS since it’s such a pain to zone into, even more so now than when Legion was current for me at least. Not sure why. It seems like they want to push everyone into SW and Org - perhaps to make it look fuller? idk


Blizzard has always wanted Stormwind and Orgrimmar to be the ‘faction capitals’ even though there are other racial capitals that exist (sans two in BFA of course). So they would have nuked Pandaria portals anyway and they will eventually nuke the Legion portals (at least the ones that take you to faction capitals. The ones underneath the city will likely remain as they’re needed for easy teleports to get artifact weapon quest chains done).