Pandaren's Heritage Armor

I know this be a bit early to talk about Pandaren’s Heritage armor since i figure that the next ones to be released will be for Drenaei and Trolls, and probably wont see Pandarens till next expansion. That being said I feel the Pandarens should have atleast 3 versions whchi would would have as Follows

  1. Alliance Themed

  2. Horde Themed

  3. Panda Themed

THeres one i think would be interesting if done where it be Half Alliance and Half Horde themed.


I’m really curious to see how they handle the Pandaren’s Heritage set. Will it be two separate sets - one for Huojin (Horde), one for Tushui (Alliance)? Or will it be the same set for both groups, just different colors?

Guess it will mainly just depend on how much work the devs want to put into it.


I’m assuming they will be color swapped, but if Blizzard wanted to start to introduce identity into the different Panda factions, then the sets should look different.


Given just how little attention the Pandaren get, I have a feeling that Blizzard will take the lazy option and just give them the same set, but with different colors. Outside of their introduction in MOP and the Monk Order Hall… Pandaren are just kind of there in the background. At this point, I don’t think Blizzard even remembers there was suppose to be a difference in identity between Huojin and Tushui, let alone even remember to include them in any current events.


Unfortunately yes. It is ruined even before they have shown it. The people need kegs on the back/hands, belts with herbs and not a blue or red heritage armor.


It’s Pandaren, so smart money is on “not a lot”.


chen inspired heritage pls


Pretty much what I’m expecting when they finally remember Pandaren are a thing and give them a heritage set. It’ll be a super basic set that both sides share, just Alliance gets blue and Horde gets red.


I think it should include a special effect: Pulling a noodle cart while moving forward. :dracthyr_uwu:

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They ought to provide some difference in the quest content and ultimate armor set for Huojin and Tushui. The whole point of the heritage quest lines is to give some homage to the origin points of the races. It’d be surprising if the devs they put on the pandaren one didn’t care enough to highlight the Huojin / Tushui distinction.



Speaking as a Pandaren (and the first one in this thread? Really?) , why should there be a difference? We chose our faction, but that doesn’t and shouldn’t define us. We’re Pandaren first, whatever faction we chose a distant second. It should reflect all of Pandaren culture.

I’ll also take this opportunity to say that Heritage armor should be available for any race to earn, not just the race whose Heritage it is. It’s a symbol of the respect the character has earned from that culture, not a reminder of what they are. I get that every time I look in a mirror.


One set for Tushui and one set for Huojin would be cool.

It would be cool if we return to the turtle and see the philosophy of both groups.


pandaren heritage armor should be a costume of sesame street’s “cookie monster” becasue that’s all i see when i look at them

I’m thinking Grand Heritage set. Female is the best pandaren model.


One of them monk necklaces blizz makes in every game but with dumplings instead of orbs.


Because Blizzard insists on the blue and red philosophy, although the Pandaren should have been a fluid race which can switch between the factions. I’m absolutely not looking forward to the heritage armor, it will be a miserable experience.

Yes please. They will have to be careful with the design choice, and Chen is the face of Pandarian. The belt can be red or blue to show factions.



That the heritage should be a look that any class you play as a pandaren to be very pandaren

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Our heritage armor should be based on our culture, not Horde, not Alliance.

All the other races has their own, so we should too without basing it on faction since we volunteered to help, but not dedicated to stay.

Now that Horde and Alliance are best of friends and our promise has been kept, we are free to go home and do whatever we want.
