Pandaren Heritage Armor when?

I just discovered that they gave the rest of the base races their own heritage armors. when do pandarens get their own?

Itā€™d be great at some point during War Within given that the brand spankinā€™ new Earthen already have theirs.


I think remix has basically just given them their heritage sets.

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No, that doesnt count.


Sometime during TWW is my guess. I wonder if Alliance and Horde will have different sets? Or the same set in blue and red?

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not how that works, everyone kept saying warfronts gave humans, orcs, nelfs and forsaken their heritage sets, but clearly that wasnt the case


Not crazy about the new race, but their heritage set is pretty nice looking.

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I downloaded the beta last night just to make oneā€¦
Their customization is horrendous. I donā€™t know who picked the color pallets, but they need to go back to the drawing board.

How it worked for Earthen, their heritage is the same armor but different colors based of faction. So seeing as Pandaren are neutral like that as well they may do the same

I wouldnā€™t want them to do that given the backstory for separate Pandaren philosophies. But seeing as how Blizzard never leaned into their differences since leaving the Wandering Isle, I think you are spot on as to how itā€™s going to be presented.


After seeing Blizzards latest attempts at making heritage sets for Trolls and Draenei I donā€™t know why you guys would even be asking for a set for Pandaren.

Whoever is in charge over there for making Heritage sets has clearly stopped caring.

Theyā€™re an allied race. Allied races have always had them from the get go.

But yes, hopefully pandaren soon.

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I actually quite like the troll heritage armor. I found a good use for it on several of my troll alts, including on a warrior and hunter. though, i donā€™t know how it looks on male trolls

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Oh go be jaded somewhere else.


I like most of the heritage armors so far. The ones I ā€œdonā€™tā€ like more comes down to the fact I donā€™t play the race they are associated with (cough, cough, gnomes).

Iā€™ve found a good use for the troll armor and for the draenei armor. I love the troll armor especially cause it just fits with who the Darkspear are, and they will always be one of my favorite races in the game

Howā€™d you make one? I tried earlier out of curiosity and didnā€™t have the option.

The Troll and Draenei just got theirs in the last patch. Theyā€™ve been slowly adding these for years now.

Iā€™m sure Pandaren will be next. Iā€™d be surprised if it wasnā€™t done before the end of The War Within.

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Honestly, Id say the Shado-Pan armor and the 2 Stormstout hats are the Heritage Armor. I think that represents the race and itā€™s monkness the best. Itā€™s just wearable by anyone.

Yeah, I didnā€™t realize they got their armors til literally today. Iā€™ve been away from the game for a few months, only hopping on and off to do my monthly stuff for the warden sets. I hope pandarens get theirs soon.

Iā€™m not really expecting anything in terms of Dracthyr getting heritage armor, since theirs would be a 3 piece cause of how armor works on their dragon form

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I had to select ā€˜make a timerunnerā€™ option for some reason lol.
None of the allied were showing for ā€˜retailā€™ wow.

But I warn you now, we wary, their customizations are pretty bad :sob:
I was so looking forward to making one. Very disappointed.