Pandaren Heritage Armor when?

Every allied race comes with heritage armor at launch that you unlock via levelling the character.
Of course the earthen have heritage armor at release. Thats part of being an allied race.

God I just hope they dont screw it up. That Dark Iron set makes me physically ill. lol.

Allied races arent unlocked on beta until you have a character already made. Any character at all will do.
While you have none, it treats you as a brand new player.

Earthen look incredible.
Ive been levelling one up on the beta and i love them as the new allied race.
Looking forward to them going live.

lol youā€™re damn right Iā€™m jaded, Blizzards last attempt at giving us our long awaited sets was abysmal at best, and thereā€™s plenty of threads out there full of people who share that opinion.

Iā€™m not saying Pandaren shouldnā€™t get a set, theyā€™re the last remaining race that doesnā€™t have one so Iā€™m all for it. However I think players asking for it need to temper their expectations a little bit after all the dog meat sets weā€™ve seen lately.

But to end on a positive note to all the sensitives out there, yayyy Pandaren Heritage sets soon hopefully weeee wooooo!!

I transferred over a handful of my mains from retail, so that shouldnā€™t be a problem.

There color pallets are pretty bad and the hair options for females are depressing. I was going to race change my dwarf war to one when TWW went live, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be doing that now after taking character creation for a test drive.

bruh what, so zalandariā€™s and allied races get one but ohhhhhhhhhh suddenly a new baby comes around and they get everything thatā€™s so unfair,.

Just about all the armor in Mists is panda heritage armor

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