I just wanted to announce that a discord for Pandaren players has been made today and we’ll be sharing the link to anyone who wants to message me in game about it (on Xiaolen or Yookee, Horde side), or on discord (my discord is uwu#4767). We are also welcoming Pandaren players from Moonguard as well.
The aim of the discord is mostly social, and to help pandaren rpers find one another. We’ll also be using it to plan any guilds or future events that are focused on pandaren. So come by, say hi, we’ll be happy to have you. :>
Thanks! Glad to have everyone’s support. Day 1 has passed and we’re about at 40 members now and putting together plans for a server event. The response has been wonderful and I am overwhelmed with excitement. <3
I will be sure to join when I get done with 
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Is this open to Alliance as well? I’d be happy to join.
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It is! <: Feel free to join!
I have five active pandaren characters on WrA, I’d love to join. 
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Just message me on discord, then! We’d love to have you!
Posting here for a link that doesn’t expire:
Active community and well mannered. Hope to see you all there!
Sent you a friend request on discord. I would love to join the pandarian discord chat.