Panda Death Knights? Are you kidding me?

sheesh, so violent. Very glad I don’t work with any pandas…

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Thanks for helping me name my Panda DK.


I was going to comment about Pandaren lore but I saw it was a Triplex thread.

You keep on fighting, my eccentric Orc friend.

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Good. You disgust me, so it’s only fair that you should be disgusted.

I’ve been waiting on Pandaren DKs for an eternity.

will it be your main?

Why the hate towards new races becoming death knights? Said race goes to ICC slips on ice and falls to death then the LK raises them as a death knight.

It’s almost like Blizzard is preparing to make Bolvar go nuts and create a whole new horde of DK’s. I for one, am excited about this. WotLK was the best we’ve ever had as far as lore and story go. Maybe we can get some of that back.

hopefully kt can be dks too. if this is actually a thing i’ll end up with FIVE.

my main dk is an orc

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Most definitely. I can’t wait. I’ll be an Unholy Pandaren DK named Fuzzyfreddy.

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that’s awesome. :slight_smile: i did that with orc priest and mine is leveled now and 413 as of this morning. i know what it’s like to wait a long time for what you want to play most to come out.

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I’m rolling a murder fox DK


they’ll be adorable murder balls of death. :>


Honestly, every Vulpera is a murder fox. it’s in their blood. :heart:
Even the priests.

Might delete some of my DKs to reuse names or such. I got ‘Eddy’ on my Alliance server. Currently a Worgen but would make a good KT?

Could you imagine being upset over something not yet confirmed? And upset over a race that’s been inthe game for years getting a new class, as if that magically changes anything?

It’s almost like… like some people WANT to be upset. Like they are choosing to be upset over the tiniest, most moronic stuff.

But no… not on general discussion. That’d be crazy

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I need to start thinking up names

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It’s not sunday.

No one is going to get bullied or harassed because they chose to play a Death Knight.

Stop it.

TripleX … your war on panda threads have been missed. I can only imagine how much this upsets you and look forward to seeing your future exploits of putting the undead pandas out of their misery.

Cheers! :wine_glass:


I love using this place for names. :smiley:

As someone pointed out in another thread there was a Panda DK NPC in game as far back as WoD (could be hired in the tavern, IIRC). If the datamining is accurate it’s still not a new idea.

Ridiculous but not shocking with vulpera on the way.