Panda Death Knights? Are you kidding me?

Pandaria made me hate Pandarens, they are psychopaths. I mean the Pandaren in the Dungeon sees the Sha take over his friend, then tells you to kill him, and after he dies he says “oh well at least his legacy won’t be tainted now”.

Then you go to the brewery, and all the Pandaren are so drunk they just don’t give a fuuu, and let Vermin run wild in the place while some guy destroys the place just to make a super brew.

And then theres the challenge mode where the Pandaren girl keeps getting mad at me because shes pulling threat when she doesn’t even need to. “Aaaah get them off me!”

It’s been my dream race/class combo since MoP released.


Me!!! I would so love a fluffy cute emissary of the Lich King, until he turn on him and kill him for loots and a chance at his pony. And I need more DKs lol.


  1. Some sha taint wasn’t able to be cleansed, especially at later levels.
  2. Those panda are ghosts. Only live panda in that is the dude that makes the last boss appear. Why should ghosts give a feck when when they are drunk AF forever?

Yes Grumbles… Yes!!!


I think you need to go to Red Ridge and release that anger my child… There are Panda’s to be slaughtered.



You mean these Pandaren drunk themselves to death? That doesn’t seem to make things better.

Nothing wrong with going out on your own terms lit AF…Better than dying because a faction leader has her first mensy in her undead life and burns your home down.

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I thought you ran away like a little girl when I killed you in a 1v1 when this character used to be a Pandaren.


You can’t tell me what to do snowflake.

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If you are talking about the Lorewalker boss encounter in Temple of the jade serpent, the lorewalker was telling a story and the sha was corrupting the scrolls within the library.

Maybe you should pay attention to your surroundings next time.

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I mean Gnome Death Knights set the bar pretty low as far as who they let in the ebon blade


Yeah with that man power issue they had to lower the bar, really low. :stuck_out_tongue:

If we get to be Vulpera as well, I’ll be rolling both a Vulpera and Panda DK. That will bring my DK count to! T-to… to… oh gods… 5 or 6… I have a problem. Hehehe.


You are not alone… I have many of them. Two at max level and … another one or two at 110+ lol and oodles of them 60-100.



So…now that you’re back, when can we expect the next Panda death story? :grin:


which specs? i was thinking of making an alliance panda dk and a vulpera dk if they both become a thing. :slight_smile: panda would be unh, vulpera would be frost.



You know, I didn’t think about that. Maybe a Vulpera blood, panda frost. A vulpera frost would be hilariously ironic though.

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If you guys coming to Horde on Garrosh I’ll happily supply you with cookies and glyphs.

i think the animations would be awesome for a frost vulpera though which is where my mind was at. XD

though then i’m thinking if you could be a DID dk too i’ll have to make 984375934857 dks. XD

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