I’m going to level a pandaren in your honor, Triplex. Thank you for coming back to us!
What did you think was happening with all the Pandaren you killed?
You reap what you sow.
Well, if we are getting a present-day update to DKs, it would probably make sense for EVERY race to have access, then. But I doubt that will happen for any class besides warrior and hunter.
But TBH I would REALLY prefer to keep the current starting experience. Having to play the bad guy for Arthas and watching your character slowly realize what they’ve become and break free, it’s one of the best-written quest chains in the entire game IMO.
I agree…all the bully types have been sitting on the sidelines waiting for panda deathknights.
I’m still confused as to this pandaren=bullies ad hoc logic.
I’m a pandaren main. Whenever pandaren encounter each other out in the world it’s like a meeting of unicorns.
I’ve had way more runins with like…night elves, and Draenei.
Just realized a pandaren DK would get DG, chains, asphyxiate (talented) , mind freeze and quaking palm.
slap. in. the. face.
Glad they scrapped that idea
I was just talking about you the other day! Ahhh, this thread already put a smile on my face.
Of all the things to complain about pandarian DKs are not even in my top 50…
There’s been DK stuff datamined for Void Elves, Zandalari, Dark Iron, Lightforged, Vulpera, and Pandaren so far. Wouldn’t be much of a stretch to say the other races are likely to follow.
What I hope for is that the allied races/pandaren get a new zone, but the old one remains for the other races.
It just won’t be the same if I’m not collecting skulls for Noth.
I feel like being upset that other races were added to the DK class option is rather silly. Pandas have been raised as death knights isn’t a weird concept if the leaks are anything to go by.
They lull you with their cuteness…true evil
It never was the idea; all of the sites doing the datamining saw the quest in the mission table rewarded a “This Item Begins A Quest” text, assumed that it began an attunement chain and were wrong.
Holy crap. The legend returns!
I think a panda DK is more believable than a panda rogue. As if a bear is gonna sneak around in the shadows?
Well anyway, I’m going to roll a pandaren Death Knight, who’s with me?
TBF they are pretty agile and light on their feet, as seen by them inventing monk fighting style.
What I like is seeing the tauren-sized Kul Tiran rogues bouncing around in the dark.
ME! Because when I think of DK’s, I think bouncy!
There has been at least one Panda DK since WoD