Panda Death Knights? Are you kidding me?

Same here, when I saw it was Triplex I instantly put a palm on my head for not realizing before opening the thread. Needless to say I laughed, been awhile haha!



I’ve only ever experienced Pandaren being nice. How are you angering the bears?


Oh no, all the 2-4 people that will roll dk pandas a realm. How terrible.

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You come back but Rigsby is still MIA? Lame!

You havent been to goldshire on moongaurd.
They are ruthless bullies. pointing. laughing

But now that I think about it, wouldn’t that just be a Kul Tiran?


And now I remember why I don’t post. All the panda supporters and bullies are just flocking. Please leave.


Lol I remember you, the panda hater

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a single tear sizzles in my eye sockets

Your back!


I saw a panda in Redridge Mountains last week and I killed him good, they are the true villains in Warcraft.


You guys are confusing Triplex with Duplex. Triplex was the guy who loved the pandas. What happened to you?

So you’re saying people are going to bully individuals for playing Pandaren Death Knights? Which are long overdue?
Which are just as long overdue as Worgen and Goblin monks?
I don’t get it.


 Pandarens would be more wrinkly like mr. bigglesworth.

Triplëx, how is your war against the little pandas in Duskwood and Redridge going?


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YES! I want a Mr. Bigglesworth DK!

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Oh no, more race/class combos that make sense lorewise at least will going forward in 9.0 perhaps. The sky is falling the sky is falling.

TBH it makes no sense lore-wise that there wouldn’t be at least one pandaren DK. They would be very scarce, yes, but there WERE a few around that could’ve been killed and raised between the Third War and the Scourge War.

The same also applies to some of the allied races. No way there aren’t Dark Iron DKs out there. Kul Tiran and Zandalari are in the same boat as pandaren: fewer, but definitely enough to make them likely. Void elves actually have the exact opposite going for them: it would be perfectly reasonable that some DK blood elves might’ve become void elves. DHs as well.

The rest of them, yeah there aren’t any. Lightforged and Mag’har weren’t even on the planet during that time, Nightborne were locked up in Suramar, and Highmountain, Vulpera, and Mechagnomes were in isolated areas that were unlikely to be visited by Scourge.

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Now that I would pay money for, a giant dk mr. bigglesworth!!

There actually is one, Gravewalker Gie was a follower in WoD.

Also it’s likely the DK starting zone is getting updated so we’d be raising DKs in the current time.

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Bullies? Do death knights and/or pandas draw a lot of bullies?