PALS FOR LIFE is currently located on US-Kel’thuzad. The guild was originally formed on November 25, 2004 on US-Laughing Skull. We’re the original guild of Leeroy Jenkins. P4L has always been about maximizing progression in raids while understanding that the game isn’t solely about raiding. We enjoy a healthy mix of PvP and PvE and while PvP is not required we encourage members to participate in guild events. We are a strong community with thick skin. As the years have passed we have grown up with the game and have remained friends while keeping a competitive attitude in multiple games. Our members have families and understand that there is life outside of WoW.
Our goals is to maintain a cutting edge raid on a 2-night raiding schedule. The best will raid during progression. During farm we rotate people in to maintain a full and geared roster. Officers will sit like everyone else as we are a team!
Raid Schedule
All times are MST, which is also the Kel’thuzad realm time.
Tuesday: 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Thursday: 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Notable Raider Achievements
Made a video that changed the history of gaming!
Killed KJ and completed all content
● Realm First! Heroic: Algalon [25-man]
● Realm First! Heroic: Obsidian Slayer [25 Man]
● Realm First! Heroic: Magic Seeker [25 Man]
● Realm First! Heroic: Alone in the Darkness [25 Man]
● Realm First! Heroic: Grand Crusader [25 Man]
● Heroic: Al’Akir
● Heroic: Sinestra
● Heroic: Nefarion
● Heroic: Ragnaros
● Heroic: Deathwing
Mists of Pandaria
● Heroic: Will of the Emporer
● Heroic: Sha of Fear
● Heroic: Lei Shen
● Mythic: Garrosh Hellscream
Warlords of Draenor
● Cutting Edge: Imperator’s Fall
● Cutting Edge: Blackhand’s Crucible
● Cutting Edge: The Black Gate
● Cutting Edge: Xavius
● Cutting Edge: Gul’dan
Cutting edge in progress
We expect our raiders to be committed to the group through thick and thin. We value our members and want them to succeed. We are interested in community and commadere and not just logging on for raid night. We believe in helping players who want to be helped and are open to criticism.
If our raid sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, please contact one of our raid officers listed below:
If you’re looking for a more casual place to play and not interesting in raiding, please contact Brenell#1779.