I wonder how many other things you consider wrong then. What they have is a reference data point - thats what it is.
As someone else kept quoting me over and over recently - # warts and all
I wonder how many other things you consider wrong then. What they have is a reference data point - thats what it is.
As someone else kept quoting me over and over recently - # warts and all
you’re greatly misguided they could easily just nerf/ “FIX” something cause one of there deves got 1 shot by a ret paladin
Maybe said dev was the one doing the 1 shotting. Maybe the devs released a beta for all these bugs to be worked on pre launch but instead players went about working out new ways to exploit/abuse bugs under the cover of ‘it worked that way in vanilla - no really it did’
If you go look at Jamazs PvP video #4 the fist of heavens one when hes fighting 4 rogues. You can see exactly how Rekoning worked. 4 Rogues going on him. Go check it out. Its like 5 minutes in. There stored after Crit regardless of angle or who you target
its working as it should be there was a reason it was nerfed in tbc.
We aren’t playing tbc.
i know im saying its working like is should be they nefred it in tbc because it was to strong.
You gotta remember though that Jamaz, Chipman, Orrim videos were all before the Pally Revamp… Chipman always turned his auto attack off whenever he was out of range, healing or stunned so he didnt lose his charges… You can see it his videos, you can see it Orrim’s video.
I remember it all too well myself when I was learning to play reckoning… If you were out of range and had auto attack left on you would lose the charges… if you were fighting a rogue and he moved out of melee range before the stun wore off and you left your auto attack on you would lose the charges coming out of the stun…
Their reference client is bull and I think old mate might be on to something here
too strong?
so its ok for rogues to a 1800 ambush + stun+ +1200 back stab + 500 hemox2+ 1500 eviscerate anytime they want?
or frost mages 1400 frost bolts + 1000 aracane explosions at will
or warriors 2500 mortal strikes + 800 slams at will
all the while charging you from from 10iles ways and stun you while you are mounted and dead before you leave stun
and the list goes on.
paladin in this version are very watered down.
the fact that they had access to 1 ability that SOMETIMES could level the playing field and have it taken away ia assinine
Then it’s not, if it’s working like tbc and we aren’t playing tbc then clearly it’s not.
Weird huh.
nvm dude have a good day.