Pally > War

Really living up to that Ragnaros reputation, aren’t ya.


Don’t prove the Ragnaros stereotype

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ret damage is not gonna get nerfed lol, their healing. probs

I would go with ret, I merk warriors with my ret and without healing.

I said potentially. And I wouldn’t rule it out. A 10k Final Reckoning followed up with an 8k Wake of Ashes into a 15k TV is a little insane. Nevermind the Reckoning swing for 7k and the 9k Judgment.

Not that it happens often but just an example of how utterly ridiculous their burst can be.

I don’t think he’s asking what’s better 1v1.

And will get nerfed

Warrior is really good for doing world quests and standing in stormwind looking good in their xmogs. Pally for everything else :sunglasses:

I’m a woman, I play warrior. Something tells me English may not be your first language, and I hope that has something to do with your post.

Their ability to randomly smack someone for 40k in less than a second will get nerfed. Most likely by removing some of the RNG which allows it to hit that hard. As for the healing, yeah, I think both Ret and Holy made too big of an impression for something not to happen to it.


True…the dps specs are on the lower end…thetank is lowest ranked in M+ no specs doing great other then maybe PvP? Meanwhile pally is highly ranked tank in M+ and raids as well as great healers and good dps…

We’re not the lowest rank, we’re the least popular. There’s a difference. We have the highest mitigation out of all tanks as well.

Also since when was pally high ranked in M+? They’re not at the bottom or top so idk what you’re talking about. Why do warriors always compare themselves to Paladins?

I don’t know, it’s pretty silly. The raid comparisons in particular, I mean warriors were deliberately chosen over paladins due to better survivability in WFR.

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No! Everyone knows they brought a prot warrior to WFR solely for shout and that’s it. No other reason. At all



you say that like you need another reason

We used to be the Rogue Counter Class! Kyrian Phial ruined that!

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sharpen blade

-cries in Warrior-

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Ppl just claim wheel chair cos its one of the only inherent weaknesses they can think of. Truth is pallies will have enough uptime.

I always level my Paladin first because once I level my warrior I almost never circle back. I will say that having a class that can tank, dps and heal is amazing.

Because warrior is 2 tiers above pally.

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