Pally retribution is a ranged dps

They made ret ranged and holy melee. Make it make sense.


Please break it down for me because coming from playing both, have 2 charges of divine steed with a 5 second duration of 100% movement while you can still attack and do your full rotation from 20 yards away plus freedom for a boost is significantly more useful than ghost wolf.

Feral Lunge is buggy and can’t be used during a lot of mechanics because it’ll kill you plus it has a horrible dead spot where you can’t use it and can’t melee. You could take gust of wind for a single push in a direction once every 20 seconds but you give up your only root break or you take your root break for a 60% movement for 8 seconds once a minute.

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Enhance has spirit wolf, baseline feral lunge, root totem, stun totem and estatic fotem. Gust of wind or spiritwalk.

I am amazed you try to argue enhance has even or worse mobikity than ret when enhance is the prime spec that can kite ret forever because it csn purge freedom. Steed does not work without freedom



I think they’re only discussing PvE.

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Damn your right on every level haha.