They nerfed the 3 yrd of druid and rogue
paladins can do anything
I think even my grandmother could have a pally retribution
the son of the owner of Blizzard should be a pally retribution
Paladins are not a meta spec this season lol…
Paladin slso lost their extra melee range. Really noticeacle in arena. You have to be in their faces to focus kick
Atm blizz is confused on what to make paladins, ranged or melee.
Honestly we should had stayed as a melee dps in the face in pvp. They gave us too much range on most of our skills. We shouldn’t be able to kite well really.
Instead they should had given ret a gap closer, preferably like the ones ret paladins in lore uses.
Also ret’s lost ranges on CS/auto/rebuke. Which I honestly think is a good thing, and the rest needs to be put in line so “range” on a kick on a melee class wouldn’t be a big issue. (We are the only ones that complain about that, because unfortunately most of our skills are ranged.)
Lolol. Things that make you go hmmm.
Fixed it for ya, my Brother of the Holy Light.
Sorry, but I disagree.
We should be up in people’s personal space to fight.
Otherwise we ain’t no holy warrior.
The amount of kicks i’ve missed in Dungeons thinking i was in range because i still got the old “range muscle memory”… They could have left the range on the bloody kick!
Have a serious question, I always use my interrupts but I always seem to do them a second later then someone else then people get nasty you have only did this many interrupts etc… not like not trying just seems I’m little slower and would still get them but people are faster then me at them lol.
Except generate Holy Power with auto hits cause you have to be in melee range
You ain’t never lied.
Blizzard just forgot about KICK 25 years cs for retribution
or a skill like avenger shield
Pally retribution is the new hunter beastmastery
Why do you keep saying “Pally retribution”? Is this some third worlder slang?
They should take that range and put it on enhance sham. Let stormstrike, crash lightning and lava lash have a 15 yard range.
returning the 3 yards that were stolen from the outlaw and feral druid is ok
it doesn’t need to be 15
every 10 dps 3 are paladins
and most of these retribution paladins are warriors of the light
without bop bress and freedom
Excuse my way of speaking
I’m tired of these paladins
who, before the tank arrives, are already flapping their wings . open, 3m dps before the tank hits the mobs
and complains that the tank doesn’t get the agro
if you watch any video of people doing high keys
they give at least a second to gather the mobs
warrior fury also does the same thing
then they complain that there are no tanks to do 9+ keys
in my group I no longer invite retribution paladins to avoid the risk
A rare appearance of Gilgamesh himself. Where ya been, bruh? Playing other classes? It’s been a minute since we’ve seen you. Hope things are well, man.
Howdy! Yeah I dropped ret this xpac, I still troll through from time to time though. Not feeling Ret as much, too few buttons to use plus the M+ static needed a lust so I went to button hell and am playing Enhance for now lol. Definitely missing the added melee range atm. So many hitboxes are super tiny with the bosses body blocking animations.
Things are good though man, hope they’re good with you too.

Howdy! Yeah I dropped ret this xpac,
TRAITOR!! You better not show your face here again.

so I went to button hell and am playing Enhance for now
Cool. Are you enjoying it?

Things are good though man
Glad to hear it. Don’t be a stranger my man. The Order of the Silver hand will always be open to you.
Don’t forget unholy DK still gets 20 yard Clawing shadows, before you start on random Ret tangents
My take, Ret Paladins do need a nerf to their ranged effectiveness if other melee specs need to be in the enemies face to be effective. ret paladins have enough on demand defensive to compensate for the loss of mid-range to ranged effectiveness of our skills. I want to be in the combat, in the fray swingin away. Now I also believe that a lot of major encounters need to stop having so many damn melee unfriendly mechanics going on all the time. Split it up between ranged and melee. Having played ranged classes, the game is completely different from fully ranged gameplay. You don’t have to dodge nearly most mechanics because they’re most likely never going to effect you and I think that’s weird.