Pally retribution is a ranged dps

Haha I appreciate it.

Yeah its a blast to play. Very RNG reliant though, I miss the consistency of ret a bit but its a fun challenge.

I had to get a “not in melee range” weakaura because of this. lol


Ah yes, go from do almost no kicks to doing almost no anything, unless we got meaningful readily available gap closers.

My girl hasn’t complained about her ret pally one bit.
Oh dear god they nerfed it down to training wheels didn’t they?

Ret will always be in a good place. It’s Blizzard’s favorite class along with BM Hunters.

Which I do advacate for. We are a melee class, it’s time we act like it.

Also, If your not close enough for your charecter to do auto attacks/use CS/TS Then that should be an indicator your not close enough to kick.

Oh boy someone needs a history class on ret’s.


Some folks called Ret OP when it was at its weakest tuning point, nothing new.


Just stop. Ret damage even in melee ranges isn’t the best. ST is incredibly lacking. And now you want to take what’s lacking and nerf it further? By not being in melee range you have no auto attack or crusading strike damage. That’s lost damage and HP generation. You aren’t doing anything competitive with that.


Ret is a mix of melee and ranged… it’s been like that for at least 2 expacs since TV/FV got the range and it’s had Judge/HoW ranged since BC/Wotlk. BoJ since Legion i think and then it got extra range in BFA if i remember right.

Why are you complaining about it now? Ret is not a warrior, we have enhancing movement abilities like pwny and freedom, not charge to go into melee and use our stuff.

Ret attacks while closing in, Warrs charge/leap in and attack, can you guys stop trying to make us into warriors? Because if you want that, just go play a warrior and wear a yellow mog.

If people bothered focusing on giving feedback on the pwny instead of asking for a charge it would have been better already.

2 alphas ago i suggested we get a shorter cd on it, along with greater speed for its duration. Guess what the new talents and the Templar talent does?

Now you can give feedback to NOT make a choice node for Freedom on horse against Freedom itself, that just feels bad to not have Freedom in PVP (and i don’t even PVP) just to be able to effectively close the gap.
I doubt any serious PVPer will trade selecting Freedom for team mates on a better pwny. Except bg’s… but those don’t count because it’s a very selfish game mode, so who cares about their team mates?


Ret was literaly garbage for like 15 years.


Your right…


We need a nerf in range and more melee biased attacks.

Oh trust me… We have a history of lengthly threads complaining about the completely counterable pony and blessing of freedom.

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And we win what exactly here?

Do you think that if they cut on our range, we’ll get another gap closer?


considering the only reason they gave us that range in DF is because they couldn’t come up with a gap closer, yes. They even admitted as such. but also remember it was at a time when auto attack range was close to 10 yards.

But that’s the point, they will not give us a gap closer because it’ll be the “same” that some other class has.
So you’re (generally speaking ofc) just advocating for them to cut an arm off for nothing.


That’s the conundrum that is their job to figure out. Giving us ranged attacks doesn’t fix that, it just changes our dps catagory taking it away from melee.

But then they give us melee only skills anyways which defeats the purpose. At the same time, if they made all our skills ranged, we cease to be melee.

That is to imply we even had that arm in the first place. The movement skills we do have is almost useless in pvp.

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Well the new melee. Kick range is grossly exaggerated by the devs.

You have to standing on the mobs feet to get it off.

Just like I interacting with delve objectives you have to be closer than close.

They need to back the range up and out a bit


Except it’s not going to happen, they’ve been adamant against us receiving an instant gap closer.

We don’t cease to be melee, we are a hybrid in melee-ranged.

In PVP the horse is almost useless because you need to use Freedom with it. Sadly they made it so you can chose it with Freedom, but lose Freedom separately.
Would it be OP to have both? Blizzard seems to think so, so i doubt they’d give an instant gap closer in exchange for our ranged abilities getting cut shorter, when they don’t even allow these 2 at the same time.

Yeah, they need to return it to how it was last expac.

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Post on your ret main before you use “we”

So adamant that they tested seceral variants for paladins in the past right?

Uhhh… ret’s in pvp for sure is considered ranged and played like it. Ret in pvp doesn’t even bother to get in melee during df. That was a big problem for a “melee” class.

No actually. Specially if you 9pen your eyes and see the amount of movement skills other classes have.

I will use how ever words i want. On what toon i want. If you think in any end hame pillar that it is ok for a labeled “melee” spec to be fully functional at range and disregard melee fully, then you need to recheck yourself.

Ehancement has way better mobikity and uptime than ret. Stop

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