Pally or warrior?

I wanted to level a plate class (I have all the professions except bs so was going to make it a bs) and started leveling both classes. Can’t decide on which is better (they both seem cool). For people who have both, what would you pick? Does one have better burst or dps than the other? Does one have more survivability (I’m sure it is pally but if so how far behind is a warrior)? How about soloing old contentent? How do they match up one on one vs other classes and each other? I do like to pvp and do world stuff. It is hard for me raid so thats out for now. Thanks.

Paladins can either DPS, Tank or Heal.

It was the 2nd class I did after Hunter.


Depends what you want to do. If you’re going for longevity then Warrior is best choice; I’m betting Ret will be nerfed in 9.1 if not sooner. My main was Ret from MoP to BfA, and I much prefer Fury at this point. I’d say Fury is more survivable right now as they don’t need to sacrifice DPS to heal/mitigate. If spec isn’t an issue though then Holy Paladin is always good.


10 characters


For me personally I choose warrior because I enjoy their charge and leaping abilities a lot! These abilities have much smaller cool downs than a Paladin bubble so if you like jumping around off of things while soloing around the world the warrior is good fun for that sort of stuff. It feels “faster” in a sense than Paladin to me. Pally lack of mobility drives me nuts :peanuts:


I love both, but I think paladins are a bit more durable.

Pally has more utility overall, better survivability, and access to all 3 specs of the trinity(tank, dps, heals). It’s mobility suffers badly outside of divine steed though. Ret is pretty solid middle of the pack dps wise, Prot is a fun tank spec and easy to get into. I don’t heal so no clue how good holy is.
Warrior is a hair behind but more mobile though(2x charge talented, invervene, heroic leap) and still has quite a bit of utility. Arms is doing ok. Fury(which i consider the most fun warrior spec) needs more tuning. Prot is a solid tank spec.

Honestly just preference. Do you intend to heal every now and then or would you prefer to decide between two DPS specs?

Personally I like Paladin more because I can off heal my friends and play all the roles. This does come with the caveat of being in a bad spot if a role I enjoy ends up being nerfed.

Pally for the win got both


As someone who has been playing both this expansion, Warrior is good if you have a strong wrist and you enjoy bashing your keyboard, and if decent mobility is an absolute must for you. The class’ damage will likely scale better over the course of the expansion than Paladin’s with top-end gear. If you like PvP though, you are very very dependant on support from your team, healers in particular, otherwise you will likely have a bad time.

Paladin on the other hand currently feels very very good as a solo player, you are very independant and very surviveable, the healing on all specs will keep you alive very well. Excellent in PvP if thats your thing. It’s just one of the least mobile classes, but I don’t mind that because it’s other strengths more than make-up for that and it’d be imbalanced if it did have mobility.

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Seriously, level both. It takes like 2 days. Then, focus on the one that suits your play style best.

I’ve been maining my warrior this expac, definitely miss being able to be a bit careless as a pally. LoH and divine shield make life easier.

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What abilities make fury more survivable? I know ret has bubbles, heals, etc… sorry never had a high worry so im not sure of the game play.

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If you only want to dps, warrior is a safer bet as ret is known to sit at the middle/lower end of the pack dps-wise and warrior you have 2 specs too keep you a bit safer. Paladin tanking is far more fun to me, but I’m not a big fan of holy as it stands right now. Paladin survivability is only good if they stop damage, and an MS or dampening is a pretty massive counter to it. Warriors with a healer behind them are way more durable.

Warrior. We don’t need the blessing of some god to be powerful, we are powerful under our own accord.


There’s one thing Paladin has over Warrior:

It can DPS

Ha HA! /kneeslap

…I want to be able to play my Fury Warrior again…


Arms tho.

Ain’t no rets in the world first race

Warrior is currently trash, so you’ll need to gamble on what happens first: Ret/Prot nerfed or Warrior buffed.


Last I checked Arms wasn’t doing too hot on the meters either

Also last I checked, it’s dreadfully slow and boring


Buff Fury, 5% just wasn’t enough, everyone knew it wasn’t enough. Its behind in every aspect of the game and while its amazingly fun to play it just doesnt have the proper numerical backing.