Palia the wow killer

The game is pretty for sure.

I’m just hoping it’s not some big cash shop venture. I would much rather pay a flat subscription fee than have a cash shop. I generally avoid those games. I like how Blizzard does it. They offer things that are extra if I want to purchase them.

Kill wow? Sorry. Blizz already beat them to it. We’re playing in a corpse. Why you think undead has that racial ability?

WoW has been in decline for ages (well, actually, it’s debatable that it’s fallen into a fairly reliable up/down cycle at this point), but it’s still an anomaly in terms of population as far as anyone knows, and while people are pretty vocal about not liking certain systems built AROUND it, the quality and quantity of content is still excellent vs competition.

I’m definitely going to keep an eye on it. WoW killer, probably not; it’s not even close to the same genre. But if it ends up successful and as relaxing and nice as it seems to be, it might be what pulls me away from the trainwreck this game has been hurdling towards.

Still love the game, but man issues lately.

While I think the only thing that can really kill WoW is WoW, I did look up the game. It does look kinda interesting. Thought the graphics looked a bit like Fortnite (which was extra funny when I saw the people soaring by on gliders…), but the gameplay is obviously different. I can’t say if I’ll play it or not, but I do think I’ll keep an eye on the project.

Man I just want a GTA VI and a really good single player game like WoW that has tons of content in a huge world. The gaming industry sucks, I suppose it always has but you’d think it would suck less in 2021 than it did in 1995.

I’m over the social aspect of gaming after 2020. People just suck lol.

Oh goody, IGN takes up the same tactic of “hype a game up to disappointing heights to a point where it will just end up destroying itself because it has to be compared to WoW and has to kill WoW and can’t just exist.” as did the WoW community. Can’t wait for the inevitable disappointment. :confused:

it’s nothing like wow, so i don’t think it will kill wow…but i think it’ll change the entire mmo genre quite a bit…especially if it comes out for the Switch or something :pleading_face:

all this time, people have been telling blizzard to focus on stuff like cosmetics, player housing, and the individual more than their story and complex end game systems…

maybe 10.0?

also, what if wow had the Breath of the wild style graphics in a new engine someday? that would be cool :+1:

What does Darius Palia, founding director of the Financial Institutions Center at Rutgers Business School–Newark and New Brunswick, have do do with WoW?

The description in the first post doesn’t even sound fun. Good luck to them building a successful game though.

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Another ‘WoW killer’ thread.

You realize that Palia, as good as it looks (and I’m interested in it) is more like an MMO version of the Sims right? It’s not a high-fantasy MMO where you play the hero and level up to go ‘kill the bad guy’.

Only thing that makes this interesting is that this MMO is being made by the ex heavy hitters from blizzard that have recently left, those that were responsible for great expansions in the past.

I think if anything has underdog potential, this is it.

Wildstar, Guild Wars and ToR would like to know your location (but wait - they’re all dead, so send flowers to the graves instead).

The only thing killing WoW is time. MMOs aren’t as popular anymore, but I don’t think it’s because interest isn’t there. Nobody has come along to shake up the genre and redefine it. Most seem to target a specific audience now, but the core features are very similar.

We see it every time a new expansion drops that people want to play the game with massive amounts of people returning. Unfortunately they just just don’t stick around. Can debate on whether or not the game is in a good state or not, opinions and all, but there’s a want there that is currently being unfulfilled.

Yay, a brand new mmo that will die and then join the list of dead mmo’s that is not final fantasy.

Only one of those MMOs is dead…

This looks more like a competitor for Second Life, not WoW.

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thought that was spore

Never even heard of this game. lol

Not surprising as it was only recently announced.

It looks promising, but it’s not going to kill WoW, because it’s not trying to. It will definitely appeal to the folks who like player housing though, because that’s one of the key focuses of the game, making your own space.

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