@ Paladins

Makes sense that they would “figure” things are truly vanilla like because a lot of TBC was based in Vanilla, but there is a lot that’s very different.

now things are beginning to come into focus.

Awesome! That’s how my memory had it.

Yeah. Whoever put imp. Ret aura in the Ret tree was kind of a jerk.

Do bg’s, get mount from AV or officer honor store.

it actually ends up being more DPS overall than Sanctity Aura - especially when AoE farming with a porcupine build

Interesting, that’s a cool idea with the reactive damage build.

Blessing of sanctuary + retribution aura work together well?

yes especially with Redoubt and Reckoning

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Ohh tie in holy shield and consecrated ground and that’s actually some really strong output.

yes but both holy shield and consecration are mana sinks - especially while levelling since no gear with +spell dmg

Good to know.

Where is that copypasta forum post that detailed how Paladin was the perfect class to level because you could look at adult content while you do it? :smiley:

scroll down on my guide and you can see it


although I can’t post it directly here since the CM’s have zero tolerance policy for naughty things like that

even though it was literally posted on the original warcraft forums lol

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They’re a little bit too zealot with the forum arent they… Checking it out.

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I was specifically told that if I posted the link to the youtube clip from the Make Love Not Warcraft South Park episode, it would be deemed offensive.

That’s a shame… shows that some people cant take a joke, and that’s kinda common now days with people being a bit too soft.

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I’d say this. Classic is going to be around for a long, long time and your progress will never be obsolete. So why not play a paladin, however slow? I am considering it myself and I am an original rogue and hunter PvP player. Paladins bring so much to the table I think it might be fun if you have the right mindset.

I think it looks interesting because it has such a wide variety of mechanics that I can tinker with… I always thought the mechanics of Classic were super interesting and thought that some of the stuff people were doing back then was actually very creative in a way that most just would not think about.

I am sold on the class because of that “Tinkering”, and that there is room to grow as a player because of the paladin class.

Hunter is freaking awesome, IMO best class in game, and I will eventually build on for PVP again, but Paladin with a group as a healer sounds so awesome!

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Same boat as you my man. I was rogue, hunter, warlock all for PvP. But 15 years later I am older (not really wiser, I’m still kind of an idiot in Life), and I’m thinking why not do a brand new experience this time. I got a paladin to 47 in vanilla but gave up due to trying to get 3 DPS toons to rank 14.

I see it this way. If I roll paladin sure it’s going to take forever to level but this time classic will not end with a new xpac.

I can be THE best PvP healer, plus I can tank all 5 man’s for pre-raid BiS, and paladins by far have the best looking tier sets in the game.

I have the luxury of my son being a monster in PvP so I can always just tag along as his pocket healer, but I just think that with hindsight and experience, I could truly enjoy the paladin experience this time around.

Not only this…

But the fact that you’re a healer means you can form the BG groups because healers for PVP are very difficult to find…

That gives you the freedom… (pun intended) to pick and choose the best DPS players on your server…

There was a paladin I use to play with on my old server who did this and was extremely effective because of that. Him and his friends 2 other paladin were absolutely destructive in PVP… They all played Retribution in the world, but in serious content 2 were Ret and one I knew was holy…

IMO was one of the most potent trio I have ever seen in any game. I am not pinning that success on their class choice; they were just 3 of the best players I have ever seen in any game… There was also a druid on that server who was nearly a god… Almost unbeatable in PVP as well, and he played feral of all things…

It’s why I 100% call BS on any druid that says the class was bad; I say they just did not know how to play it.

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Just Reckbomb kids. Have a skullet haircut. Fornicate with beautiful women.

Ret is legit.


Jesus… that’s broken… KEK!

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