Paladin's Reckoning does NOT work

Resists work completely differently for pvp from pve.

No, it’s not. You’re going to be crit like crazy during a stun lock or with a hunter trying to take you down before your Holy Light lands anyway.

I’ve been wondering if the issue is just that people are not de-activating auto-attack. If so, then this is fine: literally working as intended.


there are no +holy resists and therefore no “holy resists”, but all spelss will resist from level differences

Spells have a miss check, which increases with level disparity. Spells have a damage range as well.

Right now, if a judgment resists it is probably actually a miss. I’m not sure if that’s a bug or not but I have yet to see a judgment resist show in the combat log.

Maybe someone with an addon can tell me if they show up and I just don’t have a box selected somewhere.

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Way to post the fun stuff, bro.


I was more talking about, you wont get partial resists to holy damage like you can with other tpes of magic because there is no holy resist stat. But spell misses show up as “resist” in the combat text (not sure about the log) and are based on level and +hit, so you can have a spell “resisted” even if it is holy.

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They still have them. I quit the lock due to endless pet command issues for unresponsive pets. Not good on a PvP server when you need careful timing to save your butt and your pet just ignores you.

There is (has always been) an issue where if you are behind but “too close” to the target, the game reads you as “not behind the target”. Try backing up just a little bit, while you’re behind and they shouldn’t parry.

By patch 1.12, Bliz had patched out the /sit method (to force a crit) being able to proc a reckoning stack. You’ll get crit, but you won’t get a stack of reck from /sit crit.

Dudes I really wish you’d just stop bringing up the sit thing. Yes. We all know it’s fixed. The problem with Reckoning ATM is it resets your swing timer - that is not at all what I remember it doing. Reckoning is a straight up joke right now unless you do want to turn off your attack, but I don’t think I should have to.

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hate to break it to you, but that’s actually how it was back in Vanilla - it reset your swing timer so in order to gain stack charges, you needed auto attack turned off

sorry fam