Paladin's Reckoning does NOT work

In Vanilla, the Reckoning ability was a “buff” that built up and showed in the buff window that would stack up to 4 times before being unleashed.

At the moment, the ability doesn’t work properly - all it does is reset your swing timer on your current attack, which is terrible and nowhere near what the ability is supposed to be.

Note i’m not talking about any of this “/sit” crap from private servers I’m seeing in Google results (I never played private servers). The ability isn’t coded right and it’s one of the main reasons to ever go Prot Pally in the first place.

Is Blizz aware of this? As from 2 hours of Googling everywhere it seems like they aren’t…


Pretty sure we’re in the time frame where it was changed to be an extra attack over a stacking windfury style.

I might be wrong though.


guess it changed during 2.0.1 so it should be the stack version atm. So I guess a bug then.


There are so many unintended bugs it’s making me sad. The Legion Client this is on has most of Retails latter patching on how talents worked.

Currently Warrior charge stun actually DR’s other stuns and that is completely wrong. It was changed in patch 4.06 and put on the DR table then. Imagine your gap closer DRing everyones stun? :man_facepalming:


Warlock infernals are also not behaving properly, at least locks dont have the pile of bugs hunters are dealing with rn.

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lvl 48 now and decided to go prot since I could have consecrate and reck… 15g mistake right there. Something is wrong with reck for sure. It basically never procs. Recount even shows reck damage specifically so I can see what garbage it is. If you go prot just take one-handed weapon specialization and save yourself the gold. Although not sure why you would want to be prot unless your tanking 5 mans for pre bis since w/o reck it is so so so so bad for solo.

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You legit gotta turn off auto attack for it to stack, best bet is to make a macro to stop attack, auto attack.


doesn’t seem to work

Or it does work you just cant /sit with it to force it which is fine i guess but dumb because standing waiting to be crit with auto attack off is broken.

As a Horde player, thesev salty Paladin tears are delicious.


When I ran BFD, Cheap Shot seemed to break almost immediately after being hit.

That doesn’t seem correct either.

Yeah I was doing some testing on reckoning yesterday and the only time I could get it to stack was after letting a rogue attack me in STV, after letting him hit me for a bit I did my first auto stack and swung like 4 times, otherwise I couldn’t get it to stack for the life of me against reg mobs, I also tried to the addon tellmewhen to see if I could get the reck buff to show and had no luck there either. Anyone have any more insight on reck? It clearly works as I watched it work Vs. the rogue but I’m still not sure it’s working as intended

Did they change it? It’s supposed to build up to four stored attacks like a rogue’s combo points attached to the portrait. It only occurred on taking a crit. Prior to group PvP, you shouldn’t realistically see more than a single charge anyway.

Wouldn’t surprise me if this is stealth nerfed rather than bugged tbh.

We can add it to the list:

  • Mind Control on targets while on transportation (boats and zeppelins) being prohibited
  • Warlock Inferals/Doomguards no longer aggressive when unchained, and Infernal immolation aura removed entirely
  • Warrior Charge’s stun being on the DR table against other Controlled Stuns.

as well as holy damage, which supposedly shouldn’t be resisted, often is resisted.


Mind control isn’t bugged? Plenty of reports that it’s working fine.

Have you tried it in the specific scenario I described? People were able to mind control other players off boats just fine as of launch, and then at some point last week started getting “target cannot be charmed” error messages.

It works lol


My rogue gets parried from behind often. This is in instances where I know I am directly behind the target.

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Bro chill.

Let them think it sucks.

If they understood how creative we have to be with our class, they would scream nerf.

Reckoning isn’t what it was.

But it is FINE.

EDIT: As a matter of fact, if you want to know more about how cool reckoning is, come make an Alliance toon on Bigglesworth. I’ll show you some neat tricks with it. It’s not what it was, but it pew pew pews still. lol send me mail, or pst.


I truly laughed out loud at this!

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