Paladin's Reckoning does NOT work

None of those are actual things.

Really? Go stand next to an unleashed infernal and see if you burn, or if it even attacks you.

Go charge a target, and then see how long your intercept stun lasts.

Go duel a priest on a boat and see if they can MC you off.

These are all things ludicrously easy to test and verify for yourself. But you won’t, because you’re a troll.


Not sure why people are talking about everything else but Paladin Reckoning in this thread.

How can problems like this exist in classic? Why don’t things work as intended? Pretty frustrating.

Free respecs should be handed out.

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Because they’re all symptoms of the same poor QA and testing practices.

Many of these issues (including Reckoning) were reported in Beta, almost a year ago.

Some of them were never fixed, while others were fixed in Beta, only to re-surface in the live release.


Been playing Pally since vanilla 2004. Can confirm 100% that’s how it works. The strategy is to heal yourself/juke while a rogue pokes you, then activate auto attack when Reckoning is at 4.

I think that’s working as intended. I don’t think you ever had a buff counting the stacks. I seem to remember mods to help with that. I remember having to disable auto attack for it to work properly, it’s mainly useful when getting stun locked or kited.

i play on Thalnos, o would like to know those tricks if you could post it here. And there is a way to know how many reck charges i have? the only clue a have is when redoubt procs.

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Man, posting it on here is a bad idea.

You can google it.

If you find something cool and recent, it’s probably it.
It’s mad simple, but it works so rapidly.


Or you can meet me on my server.

Pew pew.

I also feel like I want my gold back.

Respecced from ret to prot at level 32 for rek, and I have never seen it activate.

I do always begin attacking right away to tah something though, so maybe that’s it?

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I was a prot Pally in Vanilla. I’m backing this guy up.

It was called reckoning bomb for a reason, Reckoning against mobs wasn’t that great to begin with. It was just alright.

  1. You’ve never been able to duel on boats. The opposite faction can come along and mc people off (happened in vanilla all the time on pvp servers.) If people are dueling on boats it’s a bug.

Charge always had a dr in vanilla

The infernal thing might be a bug. The others aren’t.

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No, it wasn’t. There was an invisible counter and that’s it. In TBC when it changed to being a 10% on being hit did it ever get a buff with 4 charges that would disappear after only 10 seconds.

This is the 1.12 version. Thank the devs they fixed the losing of charges if your swing timer finishes before you got into range. It could be quite painful in laggy situations. Just turn off Auto attack until your swing timer finishes.

which still works by the way, in the vanilla variation not the Pserver variation.

There isn’t anything to fix though…

No. Easily verifiable:

Charge now shares diminishing returns with stun effects.

This didn’t get added until 4.0.6 in Cataclysm.

Until then, this did not fall into the “Controlled Stun” category on the DR table:

As for dueling on boats, you can start a duel on the docks, and move onto the boat. This was an example purely for testing purposes. The live examples are more readily apparent when you’re trying to MC someone from the opposite faction flagged for PvP, and get the “Target cannot be charmed” error that’s been recently cropping up, despite not having had any issues during the first week after launch.

As a Horde player, I have yet to see a single Hammer of Justice or seal of the crusader be resisted in my logs.


  1. This is fake new, it’s been deubnked, it works fine. Go to BB or Ratchet, watch it with your own eyes, it works fine 100% of the time that it’s supposed to work. These reports are coming from forum trolls who want to make waves and cause havok.

  2. This seems to be a bug and will be addressed, probably around the time Phase 2 hits.


I have noticed this too. I thought in vanilla there was no such thing as holy resist but I thought maybe I was misremembering.

I was wondering if it was worth switching…

I am currently a full ret spec, but I think I will just stay that way for now. Lots of guides say to go a reckoning build. But this answers a lot of questions,

Thanks all.

Reckoning is the best build for speed leveling and for mass pulls.

The best way to play it is to cheese the mechanic but I’m not a fan of that. To cheese it you either stop attack or turn away from mobs and then sit down. Sitting down guarantees a crit and a stack. Once you hit 4 you turn back to the mob and 1 shot it.

I think it’s a great mechanic and I’m really tempted to swap to it with my ret but I’m not going to cheese it. That doesn’t even sound fun.

Ah yes, because talking about broken mechanics is salty tears.

There are bugs that affect everyone, but sure, keep trollin on, bruh.

Didn’t they patch the /sit crit stacking method?

I think by 1.12 the only way to gaurantee stacks like this was to put Blessing of Sacrifice on a teammate, then /sit when THEY took hits, resulting in Reck stacks on you.

I don’t play Alliance in Classic though, so someone will have to test this out.