Paladins nerfs next?

So whats your counter to a Warrior who pops retalliation?

Instead of doing full damage they could do double if not triple.

Whatcha gonna do then

frost shock and walk away.

or maybe earthbind.

I said Shammies should dance circles around Pallies in 1v1 PvP. What you just described is an organised PvP battleground problem, not a Shammy vs Pally problem.

somewhere around the middle of the 3rd lifebar it becomes a bit sketchy honestly.

I agree that LoH should be on Forebearance CD, and it’s usually a 50/50 whether I win in a 1v1 on my Shammy if they use it. I’m usually mana drained at this point, too, and can no longer kite, so we just trade white hits and cross fingers I get more crits.

Fortunately it’s a once per hour CD so it’s not that common or reliable.

its more common than you think cause nobody else is bringing the pallies to that point they have to use it.

Best part about playing the class you like is that it won’t matter if you’re not #1. It’s fun while you are, but it’s not necessary.

In WPvP I don’t see it that often. Maybe 20% of the time? I feel like most people treat it as such a reserve panic button that they won’t use it unless they really feel like they can win.

in solo pvp they seem strong from a warrior perspective but nothing very broken and in group pvp they don’t seem too special, the bubble is a very long cd and they have no gap closer, they seem mid in general. Don’t know why they’d need nerfs

paladins deserve nerfs but LoH doing forbearance ain’t it, chiefs :expressionless:

Paladins are mid tier at best. People are crazy

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heh . they have bubble on a 5 min cooldown and they have a gap closer with avengers shield that the debuff lasts 10 or more seconds (can be trinketed or shifted).

they are very durable and do very good dmg.

thats not even mentioning their massive group utility .

Yeah, 5 min cd is pretty long. A ranged slow is not a gap closer, if you throw your shield at a priest and he dispels it, well then its over for you right? u will be chasing him for 10 mins and then when u catch him he will press the fear button, same with druids shifting it. Low mobility melee chars don’t tend to do that well in pvp, wouldn’t consider their level 25 utility to be particularly massive either

Warriors need nerfed now! Or it will not be close with how they scale.

I’m perfectly fine with warriors having Shattering Throw to break Divine Shield, permitting it shatters all shields, and even Ice Block while we’re at it. Otherwise, it’s a dead ability for Alliance warriors in comparison to Horde players. I’d probably suggest it be a 3 min CD instead of 1.5 as it is on live(if it’s still 1.5 min on live), though, to line up with BoP having a 3 min CD with 2/2 Aggrend’s Guardian’s Favor. (Being facetious; I’ve seen almost nothing directly from Aggrend, other than what was posted verbatim from his Twitter on here.)

Now if shamans got something akin to Shattering Throw, I wouldn’t mind it breaking only BoP/Divine Shield, not breaking shields, bubbles, Ice Block, etc.

Lmao slow wheelchair …thats comedy…but youre right…i think pallies are just fine… and no i dont main one…now…if they get super mobile…we may have a problem.

2/2 Pursuit of Justice. 8% increased run and mount speed that doesn’t stack with other effects. :wink: :ok_hand:

Paladins are already trending towards the “support/buff” class anyway, even with their runes. Their damage is very lackluster and their tanking will leave much to be desired on future raid bosses.
Could they do with some damage nerfs? Absolutely. I always advocate for support classes like Paladin to gravitate further towards their primary role of supporting. But if we jump the gun and nerf them now before seeing the new runes, they might all reroll, and then we’d have zero Paladin healers left!

Coming from Glinda’s alt who kept dying back to back to back in HC until you quit… that really is something to say, now isnt it. Got too tough so you had to call it quits. As I recall…never even say you above 30 in HC even after multiple tries, you still couldn’t even get halfway there and so you gave up. You cant boost anyone at anything.

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Early crying bro? What class You playing?

Sure, and death grip for paladins.