Paladins need severe nerfs

I have been doing heroics for the weekly quest and I am tired of Ret Paladins queueing up as Healer, staying as ret, and pulling all the mobs as if this was M+

Ret paladins are op
9/10 of the top tanks are Prot Paladins

The changes were too strong, please nerf them

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It’s annoying but everyone is in s1 gear decked out 415+. You havn’t needed a healer in heroics since a month after DF release


There’s much stronger specs at the moment. Rogues, Warlocks, and DK all have higher dps specs than Ret.


Hating on Ret’s is a meme that GD bads won’t seem to let go of. They’re strong yea, but no stronger than at least a dozen other specs.

Also, “queueing”? In what heroics? LFR? Lol

Also also what does do Prot pals have to do with Rets?



Get your popcorn!

Fresh. Hot. Buttery.


The title is “paladins need nerfs” OP just started the rant with Rets. All paladins are covered here.

That being said, let Rets have their moment in the sun. Leave Prot alone. It’s fun when you get a bad one who relies 100% on the class and not their skill to get thru the key.

I’d like the large, no popcorn, extra salt

At the top end Ret is in line with the rest and definitely not the top damage.

It’s a scaling issue. Move along.

Don’t do trivial content and then ask for nerfs because of what happens there. It’s ridiculous.


Ok that’s 10 dollars for a Large Neckbeard forum poster.


From all the reasons you can possibly have to nerf a spec (any spec), you probably chose the most inconsequential one.


Your comment represent your guild name most adequately.

First, no one cares about what a spec does in heroic dungeon queue.
If you got an toxic player with you, use the vote to kick feature.

Secondly, the tank spec HAS been nerfed, substantially in fact.

That’s a lot of defensive power gone, they shouldn’t kill a spec when it’s over performing.
We’ve yet to see if it needs more because its the first week of both raids and M+.
So sit back and take a chill pill.

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It’s like you know me.


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sings take my breath away

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Which is ironic for an undead to sing
Oh wait you’re zandalari… Well this is awkward

exactly I was thinking the same thing. It’s almost like we are… in harmony or… NSYNC lol

I totally don’t do Heroics as Shadow to make the run faster.


You have an honest face… Well parts that are left

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I knew this would cause problems given those people that ability to be a proc ,and ret . would use it to mess up everything for one goal to be the best in all spec even if they fail.

Yeah the real simple solution is to disable spec swapping in instanced content. They already lock specs and gear in M+ during runs. So do the same, and then prevent players from leaving and re-entering with a different spec.



its a heroic… who care what spec you are in as long as it all dies. I doubt you even need to cast a heal in heroics anymore anyways

When you enter you chose the spec you wanted to play ,this is being respectful to all players doing dungeons and raids ,if you change it you are not playing as a team player you are playing you.