Paladins DO NOT Need More Gap Closer in PvP Phase 4 PTR

I cannot believe that… I didn’t even check if WINGS was dispellable assuming Blizzard wouldn’t be that dumb.

Might as well call it the “Focus kill me now” button in BG’s. Yikes.

Serious oversight. I am sure they will fix it.

I am still a little miffed how BADLY Purge Screws Paladin in SoD. It almost makes us a Classic Paladin. Literally.


The most immobile classes are hunter and warlock. Warlock has a slight advantage over hunter, as it can dispel magic effects from self.

Every other class has an ability or abilities to remove stuns/slows/roots.

You seem to be confusing the ability to move freely (mobility), with the ability to slow others. These are two different things.

Ok but know that I got the best Paladin PvPers in the world on record agreeing that Holy Reckoning (Classic WoW) is BiS for Pug BG’s and DEEP RET HEALER (no joke) is BiS for Serious Ranking.

I have ranked 13 before and they guys who went R14 agreed with my conclusions. They even made a video.

BY ALL MEANS… play as you like. But if you are Gearing and Playing SIGNIFICANTLY Sub Optimal… and having issues… should I not point out that its not a RUNE or KIT issue its a Player Choice issue?

Example: Paladins back in the day use to ware Gear Sets looking for Set Bonuses.
WoW head Gear Planner came out and finally gave us a TOOL to look at her Mathematically.

What we found (We being Me and Drakova but mostly Me) was that Hybrid Gear… aka gear with just ALL the STATS… 3-4 Piece Avengers and Random Crusader Gear. Was something silly like 15% BETTER in everywhere then Caring about Tier Set Bonuses.

And if you watch ERA paladin PvP to this day… there they are running around in 3-4 Piece Avengers 2-3 Piece Marshals and Thick Obsidian BP.

Good news is that the T1 Set LAWBRINGER… with NO SPELL POWER… is actually your BiS PvP Gear with Sacred Shield. So it should be fun to see what Paladins thing now that they are being FORCED to ware what I have been telling them to ware for a while now LOL.

Hopefully I got it right :frowning:

Priests are pretty immobile too. And hunters have on of the best kiting kits in the game, so it would be unreasonable for them to also have self sufficient counters to getting locked down in fights.

Ultimately PVP is about what the classes do in combination with each other. Hunters don’t need to be able to dispel their slows or magic debuffs, that’s for priests and paladins, or shaman with freedom.

Different classes cover the weaknesses of the others. That’s the design philosophy here. Ultimately the class fantasy they went with for paladins was a holy warrior that would wade into the thick of the fight, offering up supporting buffs and blessings to their allies and being a presence on the battlefield.

So far, SoD has failed on both fronts. You can’t get INTO the thick of battle because you have no meaningful engagement tools to enter the fray, and you lack staying power once you are there. Every other melee class in the game either has a method to engage in the fight, OR a way to stay engaged once they are there, often times both.

Warriors have charge, intercept, hamstring, multiple ways to break fear.
Shaman have Frost Shock, Tremor Totem, earthbind with totem relocation, freedom, and ghost wolf.
Rogues have multiple stuns, crippling poison, stealth, vanish, sprint
Hunters have wing clip and traps alongside a proc based root in survival
Druids have dash, feral charge, Skull Bash, shifting removes roots and slows and immune to polymorph.

Paladins have Freedom, bubble, and two long cd single target magic effects. So any priest hard counters HoJ, and any priest or damage from another player stop Repent.

The primary usage of repent should be to temporarily lock down a single target that is not a priority kill target, since it breaks on damage. If you HAVE to use it for gap closing there’s a serious issue. Dispels remove it, you can get stunned, gouged, blinded, sheeped, feared, or get hit with a slow or root while attempting to close that gap.

If you get hit with that, you have to waste a SECOND cooldown, freedom, to get there. And once you are there, you have no ability to STAY there other than using a 5 minute cooldown, bubble.

You cannot ever dictate the flow of combat when you are in it, which is doubly frustrating for a class whose primary design is more a battelfield warlord than a dps warrior. You’re supposed to be someone that bolsters your allies and helps to control the flow of combat by creating opportunities for your allies as opposed to being the primary source of pressure, but you lack the tools to effectively do that.

And current SoD design with ret has just turned us into a big burst bully that can’t get it up without a warrior to help us lock down someone.

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I would love that. But it would BREAK WSG in pieces. Alliance can slow Druids and Shamans… Horde Cannot.

MIGHT be able to make it work if the new Ghost Wolf Rune was IMMUNE to TBC JoJ. But that still leaves some VERY salty Horde Druid mains to live to run circles in WSG.


I would agree with you in era, but this is Sod. Warriors, Rogues, and Shaman got massive boosts to their mobility and with the change to pvp trinkets freezing trap has lost its effectiveness. Hunters are in dire need of a gap enabler/mobility increase. Melee hunter objectively has the worst kit available for connecting with a target as well.


Yes I have Peaceblade in Discord. Here is my perspective.

  1. I am looking at things from probably not just AN but THEE APEX Predator Paladin in SoD. For no other reason then my Mechanical Skills might suck but my PvP Theory Craft is Second to none… I gear right… have a plan to win… and don’t make mistakes in PvP. A Scary Combo.

From this Perch I am Vexed at You and Sky saying we Struggle. I say we are OP and if anything need Nerfs.

  1. Less then 5% of the Paladin Player Base Gear Properly and Will Use Trinkets Proper. What they appear to WANT to do is Put on some DPS Heavy Gear… Put on some DPS Trinkets… Take the most Damaging RUNES… Press W at the enemy and WIN?

That’s never been a thing in Classic. You Explode is the general outcome.

I am TORN between Observing and being able to PROVE we Do Not need Gap Closers or any other buffs really if properly geared and MILDLY well Played…

And the Fact that 90% of the Paladin Player Base are SO BAD that they cannot do even this.

I have NO IDEA what the correct solution is for Blizzard.

Do they leave it as is, which is perfect with a few changes like Wings being dispellable = Bad… and watch 90% of the player base who cannot be bothered to look up a guide complain and QUIT?

Or do they give them what they want and… in doing… make Top Tier Paladins unbeatable GODS.

I am 100% Sure there is an intelligent Middle Ground. But I feel it is important as the #1 Paladin PvP theory Craft to say in no uncertain terms… “You guys are WRONG… Paladin is Perfect… You need not Gap Closers… if anything you have to many Currently”.


Your guys want me to… and its looking like I might have to. I will PROVE there are no issues Tactically… Mathematically… and Empirically (aka in actual duels) even on the Current PTR where our gearing is garbage.

But like I said… this MIGHT not be a good call on my end. The more I show and Prove PALADIN = OP… might get us Nerfed… when in reality 90% of the player base could use a Buff.

Now if you don’t mind. I gunna go yell a Peaceblade…

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Horde can frost shock and earth bind (next phase it will be instant root, too) yes it is dispellable but so is JoJ. priest can dispel it, and I believe druid would be able to shift it

also yeah I had a bad feeling wings would be purgeable as soon as I saw it was added smh. seriously makes the ability dead on arrival for SoD PVP with how easily purge shuts us down already

well played paladin can be seen as OP in a 1v1. it’s one of the best 1v1 classes in the game with all CDs. 1v1 is not a measure of competitiveness, most classes get hard countered by something. an equally well played mage can infinitely reset the fight against us and win. but it has majorly exploitable weaknesses in SoD team play, suffering from a lot of the issues of all melee in a ranged meta but is definitely the most susceptible to kiting in team play. which is fine that that is our weakness, but purge is already a major weakness as well.

if they make P4 good I’m definitely planning on running avenger’s shield in P4 with a shield swap macro on legs, it is a major advantage to combatting this issue. honestly just make the new cloak rune and wings undispellable.

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As mentioned on your YT video we agree to disagree on this take. I think at the core of the KIT of SOD, we are not in Classic Era, We are not in Vanilla Era. No consumes, No items, just the plain base kit. We are getting out maneuvered by many other specs. Yes, we hit hard when in ranged of them, ofc we have defensives, until were not in range and basically nuked, forced to bubble up, rinse/repeat to attempt to win. You can ofc tell who are the good players in pvp versus the bad ones if they don’t understand there rotations better. However, the point is this is Season of Discovery, more like (Season of testing stuff out). Why not give it a try of attempting something to see how it feels, and if we do not like it during the PTR, than remove it? Doesn’t hurt trying new things and than adjusting them right after. Something like a couple seconds of increase speed when using Freedom or other things I have mentioned doesn’t sound game breaking as your trying to make it sound like. I would love to see a Poll about this to see were people stand and hey, at the end of the day I just want the best for the class overall even if me & you stand on 2x different sides of the spectrum. I love playing the class as much as you do.

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add it to the vindicator rune, rename it Pursuit of Vindication or something:
If talented into Pursuit of Justice, blessing of freedom grants an additional 8% movement speed for 3 seconds and cannot be dispelled for those 3 seconds

if that sounds too generous, I redirect you to Storm, Earth, and Fire


Yea like something like that would be interesting, just testing cool innovative ways to make the core kit more flexible. This is what the PTR is for to mess around and talk smack on good or bad ideas.

Where in my post did I confuse these two things? I think you might be failing to read between the lines. There are two distinct playstyles here being referenced: kiting and gap closing.

My point is that if ranged classes are receiving meaningful improvements to their ability to kite, either through cc effects or more instant casts or more defensive abilites (etc etc), then it tracks that melee classes would have a harder time gap closing on said targets unless their gap closes were improved. My main point here is that while warriors received meaningful improvements to their ability to gap close, paladins and to an equal extent shaman didn’t. I think they should. Even rogues received an instant blink that puts them behind their target.

I’d be okay if enhancement shaman also received more effective gap closing abilities, but with totem shifting and their instant cast slow they aren’t particularly bad at gap closing as it is, but I don’t truly know because I don’t play shaman. I’d like to hear what a shaman main thinks about their gap closing abilities more broadly (such as yourself!).

Again, you are comparing era to sod. If i wanted to play nothing but a era style paladin i would. This is coming from a full t3 / conq set paladin that played this very way.

People are playing sod for a change, especially in hybrids.

Again what you are asking is to keep paladins like era, go play era if you are that keen on it.


it’s called the W key mate :expressionless:

no, what he’s saying is paladins should have changes, but not to fundamental things like mobility / closing gap :expressionless: How about a nice buff to holy light instead

Dispersion is not mobility. At all.

SoD did not change hunters having the best kit for kiting.

Im fine with them having mobility. Not with them removing their own slows and other crowd control effects. That was the distinction that I was making.

Because melee hunter is a playstyle exclusively designed around PVE for SoD, and the baseline hunter kit was never designed for this style of gameplay being the primary.

Dispersion can be cast while stunned, feared or silenced and clears all snare and movement impairing effects when cast, and makes you immune to them while dispersed.

SoD made everyone else more mobile. Buffs to others in this regard were nerfs to hunters.

Correct. That is not mobility. The priest does not move any faster than anyone else, AND they have no ability to create gaps. They can remove roots and slows with a 2 minute defensive cd and that is IT. Anyone that has played shadow ANY amount of time (I have played it for 20 years) knows this. SoD shadow has no roots, and you have no slows. And if you’re using dispersion for the root/slow removal, you’re not getting there.

Buffs to other classes are not nerfs to hunters.

Freeing yourself from all movement imparing effects and stuns is mobility.

Classes do not exist in isolation. Buffs to one can absolutely be nerfs to others.

It is clear you’re here to troll as well. I recognize your name. I won’t be responding to you any longer.

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