Paladins are OP in AB

Bubbles are insanely broken compared to any other class ability/design when it comes to defending a node.

1 Paladin can hold off 15 Horde better then most 5 man comps of any other class can.


Only if their ret brain can focus long enough to press their bubble hotkey.


No they can’t.


make him bubble and then leave and come back when its on cd and then you auto take base.


op if the person understands the class annoying in general as they take 20 sec to kill in general if you dont kill them before bubble

I’m not sure how long you’ve been around but Horde aren’t allowed to complain about paladins or alliance right now because of Shamans ty


you’ve already nerfed shamans… just stop sucking at the game

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OP, you new to WoW or something?

Complaining about Divine Shield 20 years later is just as stupid as complaining about Orc racials 20 years later.

What’s pure cancer is 3+ Ret paladins turtling up in their flagroom in WSG.

not even close to the same thing. Bubble is a strong but easy to play around ability. Hardiness is just an insane overpowered RNG 0 cooldown racial.

and I’m an Orc.


people saying something is cancer cause they can’t kill someone is pretty dumb… cancer legitimately kills people we’re playing a video game


Wow it’s crazy because most classes don’t even have a reliable stun and you’re sitting there claiming it’s “insanely overpowered.”

Stupid comments like this is also cancer.

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Divine Shield has been in the game for TWENTY YEARS. If you can’t work around it the same that others have, you’re just bad at the game. Get good kiddie


Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Rogue, Warrior, and now Warlock have a reliable stun.

Hunter, Mage, and Shadow also have RNG stuns with Mage and Shadow proccing in what I would consider ‘very often’

Orc is the best racial in classic hands down.


yes something being old makes it good…

paladins aren’t OP :expressionless: they just have an ability that can prevent shadow priests / shamans / etc from being OP against them for 10 seconds.


Fairly certain Paladins weren’t as capable damage wise as they are now with the bubbles still being in their arsenal…

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Feral druids have a reliable stun, if you spec into it. Boomkins and Resto do not. Boomkin’s stun is RNG and it seems like it procs about as much as Impact and Blackout.

Hunters also need to spec into their stun.

Warlock stun is a meme. It’s 2 seconds and has a range requirement on your pet.

So what, that leaves Paladins, Warriors, and Rogues with actually reliable stuns?

Keep crying.

Skill issue found.


I feed off people complaining about Divine Shield. It really just uplifts my soul to see that after 20 years, people still can’t seem to understand that it’s a long CD trump card and they kind of just fall over on their faces when it’s on CD.

Bubble is all they got Cap’n. They’re already cut off at the hips. You wanna lob em’ off at the neck and call it a flesh wound? If a Paladin holding a base with DS has caused you to complain on the forums, I’d hate to see what you’d say if you were against a team of Shaman and Shadow Priests as Alliance.

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