Paladins are OP in AB

Resto druid do spec into both Improved Bash and Furor, they even go all the way to Feral Charge for BGs. Bash is extremely reliable even without either of those talent, can just press Enrage, melee swing once or get hit once and you have the rage to bash someone.

What about things like void zone can prevent a flag cap while dead. Is that more op?

Bro why are you doing this to yourself ? You don’t have to twist yourself into knots pretending Horde racials aren’t OP, just gloat about it. Aggrend think Human Diplomacy is an S tier racial, he’s clueless. Your advantage is safe.

I mean your sitting here telling people that hardiness isn’t broken because stuns dont actually matter in PvP, its embarassing. Just gloat about it, I’d have way more respect for you.

I certainly believe that one pink bubble boy can hold off 15 horde. This is believable.

Speccing into a stun makes it less reliable?

All druids have a reliable stun I mean ya it can be dodged or paried by said orc but that does not happen very often (unless evasion)

I am not sure what you are even mad at. Orc has the best passive pvp racial in the game 
 everyone knows that and it is accepted. Is what it is.

Stop letting words make you so angry

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can blizzard fix orcs? Playing rogue and it feels impossible to land a kidney shot. it almost feels like they have a 90% chance to resist stuns

funny how whenever someone brings up pallies / druids/priests/mages/hunters they are given massive leeway in terms of what people excuse as being not op but when it comes to shaman people try and hold every single tool a shaman has against them .

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This lol, opening poster is trolling if you have your whole horde team trying to take blacksmith from a bubbled paladin. It’s probably alliances best strength in PvP right now

Try to think beyond the particular example I gave to highlight the issue.

countered by the fact that most paladin players couldnt tell you how they’d feel if they skipped breakfast


Horde racials are better for PvP. Does that make them OP? Nope. Middle aged men out here crying about 25% as if it procs all the time and is the sole reason you get blasted in BGs. You’d be better off crying some more about something they actually broke, like Shaman throughput.

All the doofuses crying about racials 20 years after the fact is

i agree nerf hunters

I don’t remember denying Orc has one of the best PvP racials in the game, do you? Horde actually has a majority of the best PvP racials in the game. This hasn’t changed in 20 years.

It’s so funny watching crybabies make dumb claims like Hardiness being “insanely overpowered” then tone it completely down to “best racial” after being called out on said stupidness.

You could have rolled Orc if it was so broken. You chose not to, chose to fight against said broken race, and continue to cry about it.

That’s a bad take

“You never have the right to complain about something being op because you can just play it!”

When I was orc I didnt notice resisting stuns that much until SOD now as human its either trinket or bust.

And PvE

So they are objectively better than alliance racials but thats not OP ?

Bro just let go, admit their OP and then you can gloat about it. Its way less work

bubble opener on BS is pretty OP, otherwise free kill class.


Orcs can’t be druids Embrace the handicap

alliance almost always wins BS battle because paladins just charge in and bubble. they are SS tier and the best class in AB by far.

there needs to be a mass dispel in SoD

They are only as good as the team they are with. How many times I lost BS because i would do all i can to prevent them from capping only to have them fall flat and we lose it anyways.

The thing is when it comes to Paladin is they appear to be OP af to others when the players around that paladin are doing amazing. If the players around the paladin are bad the paladin will suffer greatly in the encounter.