Paladin or monk

So I was wanting to switch to either this Paladin or a monk for tanking and melee dps. I was doing mining and engineering. I need opinions on what to pick. Current lvl 70 is going on a long self discovery vacation to try out camping in searing gorge

Of the two, paladin is a stronger pick and seems to get more support from the developers. Monks are very fun but can be fragile and tend to lag behind.


I think before anyone can make a suggestion we need more information.

What type of player are you.

We must also visit the pros and cons of each class.


Pros: Monk next season are project to be top tier. They have ring of peace which is a very useful for on monk cc, they have a good interrupt, they have a cleanse, tons of mobility. AoE dps in impressive, Aoe stun

Cons: don’t have as many defensives, only has one hard interrupt, self healing is decent

Pros: numerous interrupts, single stun, lots of healing, lots of defensives, lots of Utility, the ability to stop other players from taking magical or physical damage, battle rezz

Cons: Aoe & single target dps. Really I feel paladin tanks are in a very balanced position right now.


Pros: lots of Utility, cleanse, Aoe stun, interrupt, ring of peace, lots of mobility, decent defensives, decent Aoe and single target dps, can have a hard cc. Is good against almost all affixes

Cons: squishy, no battle rezz, doesn’t bring a lot to the group in terms of support.

Pros: lots of Utility, bubble, stun, decent healing, mediocre mobility. Good single stun, good Aoe damage, good single target damage. Battle rezz

Cons: Lol constantly getting nerfed.

Pros: good heals, lots of Utility, lots of mobility.

Cons: no battle rezz, lots of micro managing of buffs to be super beneficial, fistweaving puts you in melee

Pros: great healing, mediocre mobility, lots of survival, lots of defensives for party or personal, battle rezz.

Cons: have to be in melee to maximize heals

I play all of these, but primarily monk dps and paladin tank both are right around 2800io, I have dabbled in monk healing, monk tanking, paladin dpsing and paladin healing this is what I took away from my experience.

However, what you need to understand is all specs/classes excel in certain environments, and are more than capable to complete all current content without being a hinderance on the party when played correctly.


keep in mind brewmaster is the most complex spec in the game with by far the most binds needed and button bloat. if that sounds fun to you, play monk. it not, paladin tanking is easy


I love monk, but paladin is definitely a better choice because of its ease of play and survivability.

Probably the biggest benefit of playing a monk is that WW and BrM share gear and stat priority, so its very easy to switch between those specs. Well, other than the obvious pros and cons that others have already listed.

Throwing in my two cents as a healer. WW monks are way squishier than ret pallies. I’d much prefer to heal the latter. As for tanks, if I’m considering an average, mediocre player, I’d prefer to heal a prot pally over a brew. BM is (as stated by our monk friend above) much more complex. Prot pally is easy to learn and easy to play. Great brew tanks are ah-mazing and need minimal healing, but the skill floor is much higher, so there’s lots of crappy ones out there that overall leave an impression that they’re dreadful to heal.

Press the advantage is a great way to reduce brew button bloat, is rather commonly taken, and offers more defensives power via brews.


For sigmar!

But really, pally dps is more fun the monk imo. But i hear brewmaster is busted good next tier.

Hpally is most times always better then mw tho. I miss legion mw

Cant go wrong with either

Look good, play good
Plate > leather mogs
Brave and strong :muscle:
Unmatched undead slaying prowess
Coolest lore/quests
Everyone likes you because you’re the epitome of the hero
Paladin spells are shiny and have great sound effects

Devs don’t care about you
Tier sets are horrendous looking
No lore beyond mop
All the class legion artifacts are ugly
Even the class hall is lame
No monk mogs from classic-cata
Never the protagonist

Paladin :raised_hands::sparkles:

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I am a terrible paladin in this game and D&D. Not supportive enough with my abilities or just play my paladin like my warrior (Me want to smash dps) and forget I have other things to use.

To answer your question, go with the blessing of the light. Paladin.

Paladin is pretty darn easy to play.

Monk is easy but has a higher ceiling to optimally play IMO.

Monk heals are changing in 10.2 to more hard cast so I’m not sure about that.

As far as tanks go, Monk is in every way just as solid as paladin now imo. Paladin mechanically is just easier. Sustain wise though Monk has caught up with the new talent trees. Zero issues on my Monk has ith sustain, mitigation, and DPS. Lot of fun.

My biggest thing is I playy warrior a lot so I gobble up even more plate on my paladin.

Pick monk.

50% of the game’s population is pally. Do you really want to be like everyone else? Monk is a rare class. Its a bit more complex than the pally, but thats a good thing for some

Also monk very fast, pally extremely slow. Be a brew tank and leave rest of your party so far in the dust that they run to the forums to complain that tanks need to slow down in dungeons

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Every pally in valdrakken wears the same transmog lol

Even my pally is wearing it. Every time i log in i feel like a clone. So many paladins and they all look the same

Xuen’s battlegear >

I never understood why someone needs to be told by other players what class to play outside of being a competitive player rolling meta, of which neither Paladin or monk are anyways.

Id roll both.

This is a pretty good and exhaustive summary between the two classes.

-I think paladins of all specs have MUCH better survivability than their monk equivalents, between defensives and heals. This is independent of skill, most talent choices, or anything else. Paladins are just built way sturdier.
-Paladins are easier to play at an acceptable level in all specs, it’s hard to be “bad” at them. Monks require knowing the class better to play at an acceptable level. Brewmaster is a lot harder than Protection, Windwalker is a lot harder than Retribution.

If you raid in a guild it’s likely you will be the only Monk as opposed to the 7th Paladin. That might be more useful to the group overall.


I mostly do lfr and lfg stuff with some bg PvP once in a while

Personally i like monk more, rotation is pretty self intuitive and the mobility is neat and next tier set is my favourite aesthetic wise

Paladin. Monk is in a pretty weird place.