Paladin Multiple Judgments

So a pally kinda made me eat dirt but I don’t know the reason behind it, I’m assuming it’s a covenant ability or something but I’d like to know if there is a visual or something I should be looking out for to avoid this.


Yeah, its a conduit that has a chance to make Divine Toll throw multiple judgements.

Basically, BFA ended and when you see a paladin pop wings you generally need to use a CD as a caster now. Can’t just face tank melee classes anymore.

Welcome to Shadowlands!

I died ON RANGE due to this with wall up. I think you should restate that and just say it outright: Casters shouldnt exist anymore without a healer nearby that’s not in CC.


I believe the conduit you’re looking for is ringing clarity. Its procs after divine toll is used (kyrian paladin class ability).

Just one of those overtuned spells right now that blizz needs to take a look at.

So my guess what that paladin did was pop wings > divine toll>judgement

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Funnily enough this was quite far into the arena when all our cds had been expended but yikes 40% chance to do that is nuts.

yea major ouchers then if they dident even pop wings for that kinda damage.

He absolutely had wings.

I know he used wings previously but I don’t know what the cd is, so it’s possible he just got them back but obviously I didn’t see much after that.

Wings 2 min cd, divine skill is a 1 min cd. If he had seraphim divine skill still can almost one shot you if ringing clarity procs
(Btw the max conduit rank for ringing clarity gives it a 96% chance to proc)


He probably got a wings proc from pvp talents.

It’s seraphim buff ,wings and the divine toll with ringing clarity proc.

They changed the way the conduit work its RNG chance at 1 to 3 extra judgement. So you can use divine toll and not do stupid damage because most of the time only one extra proc.

Even that extra proc it’s Huuuge damage

It is divine toll for kyrian ret paladin. The conduit gives it a 40% chance to throw 1-3 additional hammers (the 1-3 isn’t in the tool tip but that is how it plays) they also deal 2x normal judgment damage as in pve judge is incredibly lack luster damage.

Kyrian ret does disgusting burst but non kyrian ret is about just right imo.

Depends if it crits or not. You can do 7k with divine toll on main target with a single extra proc.

Ret has the same problem as sub and bfa. You can stack so much damage amplifier together and do disgusting damage for that short window

Maybe I’m just nostalgic but we could tone down the burst and make crusader strike hit harder than an auto right. It doesn’t feel right to barely notice the damage at all.

Remove dmg from tv and put it back to judge and blade.

Im loving divine toll for judgement slapping.

But since cs only provide holy power and deals less dmg than an auto attack is should have 3 sec cd to be honest.

I’d rather it have damage from TV put into it, in legion it went from 135% ap to like 79% I think and it just hasn’t felt the same since. TV doing upwards of 40% of our damage makes other spells feel worse to use imo. Especially CS.

Edit: Wod ret best ret never forget Final verdict and divine storm proc stacking

Crusader strike has no use since cataclysm anyway.

What made crusader strike good before was the seal damage going off with the auto attack + the crusader strike damage and the fiery enchant all going off at once. But even in cataclysm cs was doing 4-6k dmg and templars was doing 12-30k

yo i don’t wanna go look
can the extra throws crit?

like what’s your damage swing between a regular divine toll and a max rng, max crit?