Paladin Multiple Judgments

Divine toll is doing 100% more damage than regular judgement. So doubled damage essentially.

Judge will average crit 4k with wings and badge and 7-8k crit from divine toll with seraphim /dark archangel or skyfury

Right, but the extra throws don’t have reduced damage and can all crit?

Cause a 100 damage judge becomes 200 on a toll, 350 (in pvp?) on a crit, and 1400 on a 4 throw, 4 crit.
That’s kinda nutty. 7x the damage of a normal divine toll? Like, you can’t reasonably approach that kind of rng to balance it.

200% from a toll and 375% if it crits. (Crits are 175% in pvp in shadowlands)

And yes they can all indepentally crit.
But the thing that make divine toll op is the conduit ringing clarity that is rng 1 to 3 extra judge. Could be only one extra hit in pvp to fix it honestly and bring back the synergy with lawbringer.