Paladin: Judgments of the Pure Tuning – April 4

So what use is this for a Holy Paladin now?

You do know we exist right?

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Just Cleanse the Weak. :slight_smile:

(You know, the talent this should have been from the start)

That takes more work to code than making it only affect the paladin. Multi-dollar budget.

I don’t specifically care for this change but I just don’t understand the rationale.

There is a talent that lets you have two Judgment charges but it doesn’t change their cooldown.
If you want to throw them back to back that’s your choice but to do that again you have to wait for both to individually recharge, which in PvP time can be a long time.

So if anyone can explain to me, how was out rate of using the ability increased? Divine Resonance and Judgments of the pure worked the same way for the entirety of shadowlands, no?

In any case, having to use a damage ability to cleanse is pepega of the highest caliber.
Why not just remove the talent altogether and make one that allows cleanse to dispel magic a 15/20/whatever sec CD?

Doesn’t that get rid of the problem while keeping the intent?

Bit weird to wait til tues if it’s such a big problem now.

Cleanse the weak on ret would be overkill still. 8 sec cd. I know it’s a conscious decision, but you could hit it almost on cd and negate a TON of dot-based spec dmg / setup without much thought.

I liked your sharpen idea better imho. It’s more in-line with how ret was way back in ye olden times. Sac was a 2 min cd and dispelled all magic from a target.

2 min would be too long, but sanc + a 1 min effect that increased judgment and did this would be fine.

Ultimately, this happened because ret has terrible pvp talents. Outside of sanc and maybe spellwarding they’re all terribly uninspired. I find it a bit hilarious that ret is more anti-caster now than DK, when it was always DK’s strong suit xD

Probably a good change overall, but now Ret has 2 useful PvP talents. if the 3rd slot was empty no one would even notice. Aura of Reckoning doesn’t even work with Crusading Strikes.

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Well, that could just be a tunning solution.

Cleanse the Weak

Cleanse now also removes 1 Magical effect, and effects everyone within your aura, but now has a X second cooldown.

Either that or a sharpen ability, whatever.

The main point of feedback I’d like to get across with this change, is that it just promotes double Ret more, lol.

It’s an overall buff to Hunters which is cool, but Spriest/Ele/Boomy isn’t going to see much difference when fighting the double Ret comps and a better solution should be found.

Curious, what makes changes like this wait until Tuesday rather than a hotfix tonight? Last Friday, Ret changes were posted for Tuesday and then you guys ended up pushing it that night because of complaints.

Why do we end up waiting 5 days for something that could be done tonight? Shouldn’t have to have a community uproar for things to get done sooner than later.


Curious as to why this changed at all? it has worked the exact same way it has for all of shadowlands.

Why is this a problem now? We don’t throw judgement more often, there one talent that lets you throw 2 but they recharge at the same rate as they always had.

Again, I prefer and support a magic cleanse talent, it’s a more elegant solution, achieves the same with less randomness.

But could it also be that people are crying for the sake of complaining alone?

It’s a lot easier to complain than having to adapt about something you didn’t have to worry about before, so now retribution poses a threat and we need to nerf everything immediately, no other class gets the same treatment even if blatantly broken for months.

Gotta stop with the witch hunt and slow down.


Yo - Can y’all do another Friday ret hotfix? No reason to let this keep going through the weekend.

A better point of view would’ve been “this talent has been removed”.

Divine toll judges 5 things. Divine resonance makes it recast judge 3 more times. You now have two charges of it instead of one and talents that reduce the cooldown. You are, in fact, throwing judgement a lot more often. It is a problem because you are throwing it so much more often now, actually. It’s just passively negating entire classes.

do something about shamans being unkillable and warriors having infinite leaps.

New talent also takes 2 seconds off its cooldown too. I wouldn’t say it’s worked like it always has. Free dispel on teammates with a short CD, not sure why this is even being discussed. Running into double Rets in Shuffle and 3s lobbies combining for almost 100 dispels and negating a lot of people’s damage should be self explanatory. Ret still pumps damage, not sure why people are acting like the spec is done for.


because they did a full redesign and now are reverting 60% of it.


Double Ret is still going to negate most of your damage, this doesn’t change that much. =/

It’s not that the spec is “done for,” it’s just that this was the first time in a long time Paladins have a strength that was “doubled down on.” Which effectively was anti-cc.

Unbound Freedom was nerfed, this is being nerfed, and soon X will be nerfed and we will be back to how we always were.

Blizzard often speaks of “doubling down on strengths and weaknesses” but this particular design change appears to be going against that philosophy.

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Blizz wants that classic ret design. Auto-attacking only.

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take away the horse but add “reduces all damage taken and dealt by 90% as long as the paladin is moving”. that would spicy things up.

I couldn’t find a screenshot but I do remember my Judge Cd was 8.2 sec in SL.
So not that much different even with the CDR talent.

Divine Resonance, Toll and Judgements of the Pure function the exact same way they did in the entirety of shadowlands, one Judge every 5 seconds.

Each charge recharges individually, you can do both at once but you have to wait 15+ sec to do that again.

And keep in mind I’m in PvE gear which has vastly greater amounts of haste.

So besides being able to judgement one more time (at the same rate cause nothing can reset the cooldown) what is different? Ret is not a joke now so the talent is unacceptable?

I’ll repeat myself, I dislike Judgments of the Pure, this changes nothing for me, but the arguments against it are flaky as hell.

Wanna remove it? be my guest! But don’t try too hard to sound grandiose like it’s any different, people disrespect this spec and simply hate having to deal with it, that’s all there is to it.