Paladin: Judgments of the Pure Tuning – April 4

Not really much of a pvper but I wish they would put shadow priest horrify effect from dispelling vamp touch. Nothing quite like dispelling every button press and running in fear.

If they remove 2 stack Judgment, then it’s going to end up in ret doing more damage, because they’ll get 2 HP per Judgment.
It’s literally about 8 extra HP per minute. heh
P.S. This isn’t even counting the extra 3 HP from Divine Resonance… or the extra HP from Divine Toll in general.

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The history of the Ret Paladin seems to be just a series of wild corrections and over-corrections. Maybe they can write that into the lore somehow? :woman_shrugging:


lol friendly reminder that non-paladin pvp players will absolutely flood the game with tears until paladins are nerfed into irrelevancy once again.


‘Light, grant me the strength to break these bonds and stop Arthas once and for all…’

Hits BoP. BoP critically fails.



Could we at least get Undispellable Freedom back then. :eyes:


Just a reminder that if the PVP talent won’t be seen as useful, then ret might end up taking a +dmg talent… just sayin’

Paladins being on an equal level with other classes in pvp is unacceptable to pvp players. They only believe it is balanced when Rets are in the absolute basement.


I actually feel bad watching Ret Paladins crash and burn in real time. We haven’t really seen them be relevant since… Wrath?


finally good changes blizzard make so many classes based of dots for what ever reason for this xpac now boomy is playable and mages can poly once again

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They’re head and shoulders above every other spec and this is after a round of nerfs.


Nerfing this for all paladins instead of ret is so tone deaf. Prot had this as a big component to make up for their lack of throughput. Really on a roll with hurting that spec while you try to tone ret down.

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Sadly, we don’t have many talents left, lol.

The PvP Talents weren’t really designed for 10.0.7 Ret, as that appears to be a 10.1 problem.

Not saying Ret doesn’t need more changes, but every change to this degree is just another step back into the stone ages. Soon our damage and healing will hopefully be balanced and when they come for our range on Final Verdict… Paladins will be left yet again being kited into oblivion.

I’m not saying this didn’t need a change, but this is one time where it felt like Blizzard doubled down on a unique strength instead of a weakness. RIP =/

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Where are the rest of the ret nerfs?


They couldn’t find the proper packaging… wait a few hours/days.

I think there are 2-3 left… most people getting recked will be getting even more recked due to the dmg talents anyway.
Most rets in bg’s won’t chose the dispel talent anyway. (i don’t think many use it now anyway)

Any chance you plan on actually fixing bugs that negatively effect our class/spec now that you’ve “Fixed” all our positive bugs/overbuffs. Aura of reckoning doesnt proc on crusader and takes too long to give wings. Hallowed ground doesnt proc off consecrated ground , taking fatal damage when popping vengeance shield at low health, Retribution aura is almost impossible to proc therefore making it useless and now we have only 2 pvp talents of any value .

since we’re nerfing global paladin talents because of ret, can holy also get increased judgment cast frequencies?

two charges of judgment would be nice, or add judgment reset to veneration talent, or revert aura of reckoning back to 50 stacks for holy, or let judgment generate holy power for holy so that it works with fading light for holy, etc etc


So I guess we’re just gonna leave their 1 min CD burst that has a 20 second duration completely left as is. So ridiculous


Well, the biggest issue is that this doesn’t really solve situations like double Ret.

Okay, if I can’t cleanse my warrior teammate, guess I’ll run double Ret/RShaman and we will continue to spam Judgement dispels on ourselves, effectively shutting down 90% of their damage.

This isn’t a great solution to this problem. =/

It definitely isn’t… that’s why i said it should be Cleanse to have this property, but whatever, i don’t even PvP. :sweat_smile:

Would reduce dmg(gcd and attention on Cleanse), would reduce randomness of getting/not getting something good depending on the timing, would increase awareness and put accent on the good versus bad rets, this is an objective analysis on the ability…

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