Paladin HoJ trinket Exploit

He even states in the vid that its broken. If even he can admit that, why cant you?

I hope to star in his next vid. I really do. There will be no tears though. Its posted to youtube in a name one would assume is his.

I ask you a simple question, being a paladin. Do you think this is a legitimate use of ingame mechanics and fair? or do you think its broken and/or abusing an in game bug, therefore causing it to become an exploit?

Lets say it becomes considered fine and ther new meta - every single warrior and shaman will also be doing this. Do you think thats a healthy balance for the game?

If the same mechanic was possible in vanilla then it is WORKING AS INTENDED.

#NOCHANGES isn’t just a saying, it means NO CHANGES!

If it was in vanilla then it’s ok, if it wasn’t then it’s not.

My question back is, do you think the reason your team lost was because of a 2% proc rate trinket.

You might see this as some reasoning to nerf paladins, I see it as QQ and a massive failure of epic proportions. And a hilarious read for my pally friend.

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This is just a great read at work, keep it going please. Grabs popcorn


I dont ever recall hearing about /stop/start macros to get an extra free attack from a hoj. I dont ever recalling 1 paladin killing 5 horde, at the speed a mc geared pally did, even when they had naxx gear.

Not directly. But the extra attacks added to it.

I dont in any way want paladins nerfed. I want confirmation that playing them or any class as so is abusing in game mechanic therefore exploiting.

Id like confirmation that /sit not activating crit reactive procs is intended behaviour and that using any other form or work around for any reason to get a fake crit is abusing an in game mechanic therefore exploiting.

I want these things looked at because it affects the balance of the game.

Like i said - the paladin making the movie can admit its broken - why cant you guys?

Going off videos made in Vanilla 1.12 as a guide it should be fine. The primary thing is that you have to spend time setting it up with someone in a duel or having a random mob hit you over and over again.

Both of which won’t be in Battlegrounds.
Both of which won’t exist in most PvP interactions due to the setup time.

You can do it in combat on your second target after you blew the first one up - rek still is viable with only 2 attacks - 3 attacks if you exploit ther macro - every single time youy take a melee damage you auto attack 3 times instantly.

All 3 of those have a chance to proc extra things.

Dont act like it isnt broken.

Now I can agree with this, much better when you are calm.

I was never not calm.

Intresting to see the conversation go from ‘ahhastompedbyapaladin1v5yousucklmaoahaha’ though.

This is one case of a much larger picture that is already afftecting the game in ways never dreamed of in Vanilla.

Disarm him?

Also, Arcanite Reaper isn’t even close to BiS for PvP pre-raid.

Arcanite Reaper is one of the best weapons you can get pre raid (top end damage/stam/ap) - those other weapons being extremly rare drops (barons runeblade/draks blackblade) and Demonshear doesnt have the top end or stats of AR but sword spec is godly.

Id definatly like to hear about any other 2h weapons you may know of that compete better than AR for pvp,

It’s like a 9.6% chance, his estimate here isn’t far off.

The HoJ exploit, and the /sit /stand reckoning exploit are still two different things though. It isn’t exactly easy to use both at the same time, and I’m skeptical if the claim that a pally allowed a group of 5 players something like 15+ free crits on himself to kill 4 of them before needing to bubble.

Yes, while not fighting back, and trying to time a /sit macro to give your opponents free crits on you. I’m more concerned that you didn’t just delete this paladin from the crits he was handing you to stack reckoning.

These macros are definitely exploitative, but they don’t just freely win you 1v5 situations, and they do require proper timing to function in the first place, both of which are fairly challenging to do in large scale combat where 5 people can stun/disarm/etc. you.

Because i died almost instantly to a rek bomb and was away from the group - paladin came out of no where and i was dead about 2 seconds later. The next warrior in the group charged as i died and fed him crits (how do you defend against it? not attack them and die anyway?) and was basically dead before the other 3 party members got there. Aloowing him time to cast a flash heal or 2. (we were spread out around southern ungoro looking for rich thorium veins, not all within casting range of each other). The 3 other members were a rogue a priest and a mage. Rogue jumped on him and the mage died so fast they couldnt iceblock (im assuming he either had freedom up or a fap) because no stuns/nova stopped him. Add engineering, lay on hands and a bubble - and this playstyle is deadly.

We were all on discord together and it was more shock about how he was killing us so fast on his own.

Now that i understand why he was able to do what he did (only after seeing the vid posted today - same guy) i understand. And it was moreso 2 consecutive kills / healing / then a 3v1 - over a 10-15 sec timeframe (i died in under 2 seconds - 4.5k hp and full plate - on my mount) rogue obv created the rek procs that killed the priest and mage.

Ok, that makes a lot more sense now.

Your original descriptions made it sound like you 5v1 jumped the guy and he killed 4 of you before you could take him down.

Yes, a guy using engineering, the sit macro, and getting to fight you mostly 1v1 can be generally expected to do that.

(Note: I do wish that blizzard did fix these macros. I think they are absurd personally)

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I dont even want Blizz to break the rek bomb - its hilarious. Similar in power to a 3 min PoM/Pyro mage.

So many in this and the other thread htink i have been crying about it. Not at all.

My concern is, left unchecked, what will this do to player power come better gear. Imagine that same pally (or a warrior or a shaman) using these exploits, but with a MoM instead of an OEB. At what point does it become absurd?

thats classic for you

you clealry knwo very litle about classic…your class…and paladins…do some research buddy…ACTUALLY L2p…and THEN complain…its not a bug or an explaoit…what he did you can find on the prot talents…do your research dumwit

I mean paladin DPS is bursty and okish in PvP. It’s garbage sustained.

There does appear to be a legitimate bug/exploit/thing with extra attacks in the game right now via a start/stop attack macro, but the OP probably can’t prove either way whether the paladin abused it or if this was a reck dump.