Paladin HoJ trinket Exploit

No one ever said pvp server was fair bud. Like i said - last time we noticed you guys hiding up ontop of ony cave waiting for the coast to be clear. One can only hope to see you doing it again, and again.

Are world buffs useful to you for thos mc clears? The Black Rock meat grinder shall be fun. Here’s to hoping you guys bring more than 1 raid - maybe even recruit Mantisboi for a few rek bombs - it will be awesome.

I just imagine this guy riding up on the Paladin being all “LOLZ POWAH OF DA HORDE11!!” and getting this guy to 50% with MS and telling his friends on discord “LOLz dis Alliance is so weak LuLZ” and then just gets crushed.

Crushed so hard that it broke his grip on reality where him losing is the result of a bug, it has to be! Cause “POWAH OF DA HORDE!”.

yeah this sounds like a “i picked a fight and got my rear handed to me, so the class i tried to kill should be nerfed” thread. this is something i miss from vanilla. the only thing better was in the rogue forums constantly reading the crying from warlocks every day making threads saying “nerf rogues, they hit too hard”

Yeah that’s been my general takeaway from the thread. First it went from “He’s exploiting” to trying to trash talk to save face. Eh I imagine OP has to get going soon when his handlers drag him back away for his mandatory computer time and put him back to making macaroni art and fingerpainting.

more likely that he is a regular normal adult that hates losing in video games. and since he plays retail he is used to always winning.

Sounds like a case of PEBCAK to me.
PEBCAK = Problem Exists Between Chair and Keyboard.

oh my god this thread is embarrassing

That aint Hoj. Thats A reckoning bomb.

it could be both. every swing of reckoning can proc hoj.

Nah. Hoj exploit only gives one extra, so it woulda been 3. Guy took 5 autos instantly. That is exactly the same as the max number that reckoning can store. Textbook case of Guy got reck bombed.

Then why cry about being killed in pvp?

Legit just cried because you got attacked after fighting someone, then looked for a past post of mine to contact me.

Then threaten to Kos me and get camped further.

You are a joke.

Basic reck bomb.

The real tragedy was that he actually spent money on an arcanite reaper when there are comparable weapons for dwarves, and better weapons for humans.

this is why recking bomb did get fixed in tbc but you are sol if you want it fixed in classic.

they wont be doing reckbombs in bgs tho maybe av with the ranges and wolves.

The easy mode Horde faction complaining about Paladins. You love to see it.

Not crying buddy. Im laughing.

I dont care how i died. Pvp happened on a pvp server. Im laughing.

You are on my guilds kos list - but this is due to your after kill antics and nothing more. My whole guild had a giggle at my description of your after kill antics. I cant callout on the forums what they were as its a banned word.

I dont care if i die a thousand times by your hand - but every single time i see you in the world - regardless of my odds at killing you - you will be attacked. If i happend to be in a raid group at the time - you will be hunted.

Sounds good, for someone not crying you seem to send me a lot of messages on here.

You also looked for me to send me one and tell me I was Kos right after being ganked.

Ez clap.

I remembered the vomit you posted in this thread. That is all. Many many others have made our lists and have had zone notifications. You hit something special.

Oh know not your Kos, clearly it’s worked well so far for you.

You like my bum scraping or doing the worm on your corpse more?

Guilds kos list.

Ya and they landed 0 kills, so like I said.

Worked well so far.