They would have to do a lot more than a talent refresh to move paladins up into the top tier of tanks. They would have to address the control and mobility toolkits other tanks have that benefit them so much specifically in M+ content. Don’t get me wrong I’d love my paladin tank to come off the shelf but right now it’s a DH’s S tier to lose even with all their nerfs.
The biggest joke of all is even buffing should of the righteous for ret, like we literally cannot and never will cast it XD. Unless they change to where your weapon can act like a mock shield to use the ability, it’s literally a meme ability otherwise to ret.
Because ever since Wrath Paladins have been going from one extreme to another. Everything they do is some wild overcorrection to what they did last time. No subtlety whatsoever in their tuning.
I mean for raiding mostly. I still consider that the defacto end game content. I’d guess in mythics speed is paranount over most things. Not that survivability and dps isnt, just a slow class with survivability and dps will mever get chosen over the class that can speed run.
Not just a talent refresh but a buff to self-healing through word of glory by 20% and a damage increase.
WOW, they are gonna let prot pals rot for 2 more months? Ouchie.
Blizzard Dev 1: Man. We may have made holy paladins a bit too strong in Season 2, they’re pushing out the other healers. What should we do?
Blizzard Dev 2: How about a bit of tweaking here and there to try and reign it in. Players seem to like the playstyle at least so lets try and preserve that while bringing them back down to more acceptable levels.
Blizzard Dev 3: Kicks open the door with a bottle a jack in one hand a goat in the under the other arm. Howbout we jus nerfeverything! They’resho broken now it’llbe FIIIIIIINE.
Dev 2: That sounds like a terr-
Dev 1: I like it, get down there and see it done.
Dev 3: Belches loudly then falls to the ground asleep.
Dev 1: When he wakes up make sure he gets down there.
Hope by Twista ft. Faith Evans Plays
Blizzard released S3 Holy Paladin. It was left terrible for 2 seasons.
Crusader Aura was just moved in with the talent for devo and concentration. On it’s own it wasn’t worth the point.
Yeah, for some reason they listed that change way down in the list, lol.
I didn’t see it at first.
They probably did that JUST to screw with people. (/half-sarcasm)
And, whether or not CA was worth it, well that’s your opinion. lol. For someone who does lots of open world stuff, it was very much worth it. 20% faster mount speed is no joke. But if I can get it bundled in with other stuff, that’s even better.
Now, if only the other new talents didn’t leave so much to be desired…
Pretty slim pickings for a Ret who isn’t into PvP. Lots of group based stuff, PvP stuff, and tank stuff. With a little healing thrown in, but it looks like a lot of those only affect other group members and not yourself.