The “leaders are stupid – not malicious” line?
They shut down alliance transfers off most servers in the latest one, it basically leads you to believe that they were not planning on more alliance to transfer in the first transfers.
Don’t think zebras dude.
what a lazy cashgrab, to be expected of actiblizzard
right on time for holidays too, merry christmas to the shareholders while the playerbase gets ravaged by massively imbalanced servers and people able to spend a little cash to abuse the system
Nah… if it was a cash grab they would of had this and faction xfers and sex changes and all the rest from day one… they have lost thousands if not millions since launch by not having these options available from day one.
First they created the problem of faction imbalance, now they’re selling the solution to the very problem they helped cause (for a small fee of course!).
And people would have screamed bloody murder.
Players have proven over the years they don’t want to give up a numerical advantage, no matter how badly it affects the game. Short-term gain beats long-term losses for far too many people.
I wouldn’t worry - herod will be dead soon after more alliance transfer off
2 questions:
Do transfers include your bank or just what’s on your person?
If you’re alliance, can you transfer to a different realm and become horde?
Asking for a friend…
Everything on your person and in bank
No, there is no faction change
Tell your friend
Where’s account transfers? PCT had account transfers in vanilla, why doesn’t PCT in classic have account transfers?
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“Why Twinks hurt”
Imagine thinking world pvp matters once BGs hit. You people are hilarious. World pvp is and always will be the most overhyped aspect in wow’s history.
Transfers were in vanilla. Try again.
Paid character transfers in vanilla had account to account transfers for characters between accounts you own. Therefor paid character services in classic wow should also have account transfers, and blizzard should already have given this function to paid character services before adding it into classic wow.
Okay guy, I guess it wasn’t a shock at all. No one expected it to come much later.
DM early. Bg’s. Paid transfers…
Know what they say about expectations. Everyone will be shocked when we get bwl earlier than expected too.
Your names awesome btw. Clever.
activision’s stock is bad. Don’t buy!
Will changing factions while transferring servers ever be possible?
Here are the restrictions on realm transfers and issues that I have found.
A million random people isn’t going to be better organized than an actual company. Blizzard’s in a position where they can control player movement to a degree- the players themselves are not and are relying entirely on guessing both what other players will do (which they can’t control) and what blizz will do (which also can’t be controlled).
At least on Blizz’s end, they can easily control what they themselves do, and they have access to far better resources and stats to help decision making.
It wasn’t hindered- it was utterly stalled. And just look at the Horde whining about AV premades now- that’s just cross faction, same numbers pugs with discord in AV. Imagine that, but everywhere, all the time, and you’re in an AV that’s 40v10 against you.
You’d never win like that- so why would you ever think Alliance could win in a situation like that in world pvp?
Players can’t control other players, you can only guess- and of course, players assumed that Horde would have a big numbers advantage. That most players then rolled Horde says it all- most players don’t want balance, most players want to be on the EZ mode faction that outnumbers the other side.
Ultimately, I think it shows that almost everyone actually wants to be on a pve server, as the only players that are able to handle pvp are on Alliance or on Horde Heartseeker.