I personally do not believe we should pump the brakes at all for World Bosses or AQ. But enough of our own members disagree…and I have received enough death threats that I figure I should hear people out.
I’m fairly convinced though that there is no benefit to RI sharing anything, pacing releases, or rotating spawns.
Change my mind. I’m listening.
If people want it, they should put in the effort for it. How is this even a thread?
Nobody’s going to beg you to be good people, Vic.
it’d be nice for those who want the black bug to have a chance at it, but that delay will prob be built in with turn-ins, y’all are not about to do it in 1 day (change my mind lmao)
world bosses are whatever imo, if they want it that bad they can poopsock like you
Whoever goes for scarab lorb is going to have to put in minimum 12-16 hour days every day for ~2 weeks if they have any hope of getting it. And ontop of that they need a large amount of people willing to help them for pretty much the same amount of time during the initial rep grind. IF there are people able to keep up pace you should probably not completely screw them. The people who are really pushing and able to complete it will become apparent fairly quickly, and im sure those people will talk about a plan of action regarding opening.
IMO if I had first completion I would not wait more than a lockout to get the gates opened. Whoever is on pace to get it done in that lockout I would wait on and set a hard deadline for it to be done.
Also I give it a 100% chance alliance has to send mats over to help horde side complete, there are rumors that they plan on stalling out their side of the war effort in order to allow their guilds to complete on their pace.
we don’t even need to stall
there are 9 of us
if y’all want em open you best start moving mats kek
I really doubt there is a “plan”. There are not a ton of horde, and a lot of those people just raid log.
And for what you describe, anyone that has the time to do all that work has the time to camp dragons with a raid.
Can a uncoordinated mish-mash of PuGers even taken down a Green Dragon?
Can most of the guilds keep it in their pants long enough to not cause the 25/50/75 spells to all go off at once?
I mean, if guilds want world bosses theyll setup summoning alts and camp them to win the tag. It is what it is. People who play wow generally aren’t used to the old school FFXI/everquest way of doing bosses where just about everything is a competition.
Is RI planning for a week 2 AQ opening? I feel like that would require you guys to do a majority of the war effort on both sides
At this point, does RI still need world boss loot? (kazzak and Azuregos).
Who the heck is he and why should we care about these world bosses?
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So I, personally, don’t really care about the gates event that much, other than to grab a few items and the food recipe. But some people do care. For some people, the main reason they came back to play classic was to experience things that they did not during vanilla, 15 years ago. For some people, it’s crafting Thunderfury, or clearing OG Naxx. For some, it’s the AQ gates event and obtaining the mallet and ringing the gong.
Now, obviously, there is nothing anyone can do to actually prevent you from doing whatever you want…except ask. I don’t care about world bosses, so go ahead and keep those; I honestly think it’s kinda funny how vilified you are on both sides of the server. No one really NEEDS to kill a world boss, the fact blizz made Azzy’s ghost wander around is testament to that.
But the AQ gates are an event that effects the whole server. And for some, this will be their first time ever experiencing it directly. I understand we all want to get into the raids asap, but I’d rather not take away part of the game from some people for our own personal greed in acquiring purples. Even if it’s just waiting an extra week or so, or not camping the bugs 24/7; any little thing you can do to let us have this moment again, and for some of us, the first time, I, at least, would really appreciate.
Like I said, all we can really do is ask.
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For the sake of conversation, lets pretend RI already has all of the materials collected which will be required for a complete horde-side war effort.
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If someone isnt able to put in 12+ hours a day every day with an entire guilds worth of people helping then they wont and shouldnt be able to even come close to completing it. I think its insane to think whoever gets first completion should wait on casuals to ring the gong for their immersion/experience.
Edit: also if they camp all bug spawns in all 3 hives 24/7 theyll finish the rep grind in a few days and youll still have plenty of time to do your rep grind in that same week to catch up on the chain
If you said something like “we’ll leave one dragon up of our choice for the rest of you to fight over” you might get an entertaining show. I’m willing to run around flagged to help make it more chaotic.
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Don’t see why you should do anything differently honestly. As much as I disagree with how your guild handles things at times or some of your people act your one of the few guilds who is able to get enough people together at a moments notice to kill a world boss. GE never gets world boss kills because we simply could not get enough people together when world bosses are up but nothing is stopping the rest of us from putting the same effort forward most people just choose not to. Same goes for the AQ gates if people really want to finish the scepter quest in time they need to step up put in the effort to compete with you it’s just the nature of the game.
For your guild no there is not but you already know this lets not kid ourselves here and pretend you care what anyone on the server thinks. Again going back the beginning of my post people just need to put forth the effort. I welcome the challenge we will see you in the hives.
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I personally hate AQ40, and I’m not in any rush to start farming it.
I’m interested in a voice conversation with the Pagle guild leaders/reps on the Gate opening. I’ll bring my thoughts/ideas, and you guys all do the same, and lets hash it out.
I’ll setup a Temporary Discord for this. Anyone can join it but whoever wants to speak for their guild and has the authority to do so I’ll give access to a private voice room/chat room. We can blow this discord up once we hash out the best route to take collectively.
If you can’t get over the fact that I charged people for a Lionheart helm craft, or that RI goes hard on World Bosses, then just stay home for this one because I don’t feel like hearing about it. But I will commit to a discussions on the gate opening with those capable of getting it done.
Hit me up on Discord if you are a guild leader/officer taking point in this conversation for your guild: Vicious#7060
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