Pagle vs. Mankrik -- whats the scuttlebutt?

This guy gets it. Even if ratios are imbalanced (there will be some of that), the numbers will be so huge on either side that it will matter little.

PvE servers attract more of the casual players than PvP servers do, which is why you’re seeing so few respondents opting for PvE servers on the reddit survey (it’s literally like 3,000 people out of the 30,000+ respondents), yet both Pagle and Mankrik are currently already at MEDIUM on the server selection screen.

That said, I transferred my NE Warrior from Lothar to Area 52 when BC went live, and even THERE, I had an awesome time. I think the ratio was about 90/10 horde to alliance at that time (even worse now).

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I agree with your choice. I hope than anyone else with a stick up their butt over a realm name also chooses Pagle.


That hasn’t happened in Classic.

I don’t understand the thought process behind the idea that Mankrik will be any more of a meme server than any other server.
Do people on your current servers walk around yelling the server name into Global Chat?
I expect no more or less Mankrik jokes in the Barrens than any other server and the server name will be completely forgotten by most not long after leaving the Barrens.


I already answered this :wink:

:rofl: Good thing I didn’t go to Mankrik then

I’ll be alliance on Pagle but depending on how much of a time investment everything is I might roll a horde character as well.

Much of the old school Medivh population is going Pagle, including the guild Fury. Hopefully we can secure the world first AQ gate opening again. Worth noting Medivh was 75-25, alliance favored much of vanilla as well, and there were still several raiding guilds that did well on both factions with a healthy population on both sides.

Which is to say, hopefully their care in name selection isn’t a mini-treatise on how seriously they took the whole Classic (re)experience.

I’m rolling Mankrik Alliance. I can’t be associated with Nat Pagle.


The Old Timers Guild is rolling Horde on Pagle, too!


The bottom line is that the majority of pve has always been alliance. Since the only two pve est names are named after a human and an orc, they naturally want to roll on Pagle.

Once that decision is made, they then proceed to rationalize it by denigrating anyone who rolls on Mankrik as toxic, a troll or a degenerate – all descriptions used within this thread.

Everyone wants affirmation, so anytime someone chooses Mankrik over Pagle, they don’t get that affirmation.


Going alliance PvE, so rolling Pagle. I am definitely excited.

fixed that for you. It’s the alliance pop from Medivh, which is fine.

The relative faction balance on Mankrik is just too good to pass up, imo.

I’m rolling Horde on Pagle just because I had a good feeling about it and nothing more. I use my instincts a lot and trust my gut. That is hard to do and use over logic but, it usually pays off, to an extent. I’ve continued to get a good feeling from the community I have seen so far. Everyone is talking a lot about a perceived imbalance but its PVE, as long as one side isn’t dead it really shouldn’t matter, even from a trade or financial aspect.

My home server where I have played since day one of this long ride is Kargath. I’ve never in the history of that server known it to be anywhere near balanced. It has always been Alliance and even heavy Alliance many times. Usually it runs 60 to 70 percent or so Alliance and I really couldn’t tell any difference at all. Back in the day we managed to raid all the Alliance capital cities, kill their leaders, get the achievements, granted we had to be smarter and pick off peak times unless you wanted to die a lot. We managed to push them back plenty of times and defend ours, not so much in off peak though.

Kargath was never on the top of the boards with Raids and first kills but they were never far behind either. We had some pretty progressive guilds on the outnumbered Horde side too. Kargath missed being an original launch server by a couple months but as far as I know it was always Alliance favored and always pretty populated and fresh even on the Horde side. I am not worried about Pagle at all.

I may make a toon on Mankrik just to hang out in the Barrans and appease my degenerate side, if in fact it turns out to be that kind of server lol.


Looks like i gambed right with Mankrik, i am rolling Horde…


Kargath ftw! An old server that has lived and died serveral times over… Good times.

For what it’s worth, I too, plan on rolling Horde on Pagle b/c I’m all about that underdog status.


Honestly, you’d get those jokes anyways while strolling through the barrens.

I don’t like the server name, but if you’re horde, it doesn’t make much sense to roll on pagel.

Going Mankrik Horde. As of now I’ve seen no evidence that the server will be a meme-filled cesspool, and most of the toxicity surrounding the server seems to come from people that are adamant about not being there in the first place.

My Alliance character will probably go Pagle, though. I see Pagle having bigger queues, and since I’m going Horde Mankrik seems like the better solution since the Horde population will either be a similar size or larger, with a smaller overall population with shorter queues.

I’m all for faction balance. Guild is rolling Alliance on Mankrik. Hoping to see more alliance come join us all on Mankrik and keep a fairly balanced server. Would love to see both sides have thriving communities.


Alliance… so hmo. Horde… so Swol