Greetings, you scallywags. The short version. I’m transferring and need a RP server with relatively few snobby and snarky RP’ers. I have a pious priest who secretly dabbles in shadow magic that needs a Light-based Guild to fool.
I’ve tried Wyrmrest Accord and Moon Guard. No thanks. I’d like a more lightly populated realm, please.
Any Guild pitches are welcome btw. If you win me over, I’ll pay ACTUAL money (from my GF’s piggy bank) to be in your Guild.
I’m Light-based kinda boi. Holy/Disc priest (human) that’s not afraid to preach. Protection/Holy paladin (human) that’s the same way, but he’s kind of a d***head. Especially to those whom he sees lesser to him.
Anyways, thank you for your suggestions and Guild recommendations.
I came into this thread to recommend CC/SoE and see that someone already beat me to it! Definitely check the post with the list of guilds. It’s current.
I’ve played on almost all of the servers, and I can safely say -
This is utterly pointless.
Every single server has a large number of people who are going to rub you the wrong way if all you ever do is RP with a single group and get your random RP from walk-ups. No matter what server you are on, you need to put yourself out there and attend more managed public events that are advertised on your server’s forums, on the Discord servers people run, and advertise in-game.
With larger populations come more abrasive people, but it’s not like there’s less nice people as a result. WrA Horde is massively inclusive, and if you attend the events listed on the forums, you’ll find 2-3 nights of RP each week. SoE A-side is similar, and I hear recently they’re starting communities that only update in-game calendars with known RP events so people can attend without having to search.
One other thing I want to point out - if you’re getting a lot of abrasive interactions, it might be due to the fact that you play an abrasive character archetype. Especially with random RP or when in RP groups where you’re still new, people don’t know who you are enough to accept your character’s behavior. That frequently leads to people having negative RP experiences.
If you’re just looking for a less populated server because you can’t handle the flood of information, I totally get that, but if you think a less populated server has less drama then you’re just flat-out wrong. The last time I logged on Cenarion Circle, trade chat was up in arms about the fact that someone was RPing as a Sethrak, and within 20 minutes of logging in, a person in Orgrimmar walked up to me at the bar and attempted to randomly assault my character in a crowded city in broad daylight next to guards. When I told them that this wasn’t plausible, they proceeded to send me a few harassing messages until I blocked them. Then two of their guildies called my a p***y until I logged off.
Every server has craploads of horrible people. They also have great people that really work hard to build positive connections. You shouldn’t go to a new server expecting to have a better time just because there are less people.
This is very true, I agree. No matter where you go, you will find jerks who spoil it. I know not everyone has the same experiences on each server. So you will get some saying that MG or WRA are full of elitist cliques who run things their way and if you do not agree, go away. I have found this on every server!
However, if you are searching for meaningful rp with people who will accept your rp, you do have to find the right people. They are out there, on every server. Finding them is the problem.
In my experience I find the smaller servers to be more conducive to rp in general, mainly because they are trying to attract and keep the good rpers. They do not want the griefers or the jerks anymore than the big rp servers.
If you want to rp on a smaller server, then you can roll on CC/SOE and join the community chat channel, /join allianceooc or /join hordeooc. There you can get a feel for the server and maybe make some friends. I make no guarantees, because I have not played with you personally. But if you go in with an open mind and be prepared to put yourself out there and willing to ignore the occasional jerk, you might be pleasantly surprised.
Heh, man, so many of CC-SOE suddenly coming out of the woodwork. But you asked for good guilds, so here’s some of those I know over there:
There’s a Stormwind Watch guild that takes healers, civillians, or people who want to RP as the city’s guards and crime investigators. Only major requirement is your character is Lawful Good or at least won’t tick off the other Lawful Goods. If your character is abrasive you might land into some IC trouble until your character learns how to keep the nose clean, though. O-man up there (Orwyn) is the guildlead actually, and can maybe help you with any specific questions.
There’s also Conclave, a more casual RP guild based around studying lore, led by a priestess from the Church of Holy LIght (Genevra-CenarionCIrcle).
Finally, though Feathers of Iron is more of a mercenary guild, they host a healing clinic every other week for all your healing needs, which might also fit a priest or paladin if either of them are healing inclined (on the other hand, also if they’re inclined to get beat up a lot). Or, you can go to their tavern in Booty Bay for the usual bar shenanigans.
As far as an earlier poster’s suggestions, Pia is inactive last I knew, and personally speaking, not really recommended for various dramatic reasons. Holy Rose Monastery is/was a good one, but I haven’t heard from them in ages either unfortunately.
Hope that helps. Look forward to killing you if you roll on the server
I’m thinking about transferring to another RP realm too. I’ve been on The Scryers since 07 and I’ve never left. RP was never active here. I have been on both MG and WRA before but I’m sure there are others that would make a good home too. I really like delving into the NE culture but I wouldn’t mind other aspects of RP too. Any suggestions?
I’ve been on CC since I started playing at the end of Burning Crusade and I’d recommend it to anyone.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
It’s a bit over-dramatic, but that’s poetry for you.
Hi there Cephron and whoever else is considering CC/SOE. Please be sure to join the allianceooc chat channel on that side, and the hordeooc channel on that side. Say hi and we will greet you and welcome you.
I want to see more walk up rp. But it is difficult at times considering the lower numbers on our server. I suggest you browse the realm forums and see which guild appeals to you and then send a friend request. You can also chat in the channel to get a feel for what is happening and where to find rp events. Making contacts is a good idea.