P2 will cause servers to die

Another simple solution, merge unbalanced servers and lock transfers. Ez.

oh i forgot about that

yeah RIP pvp servers

and piss everyone off making them quit?

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Plenty of people are quitting over what’s happening right now too.

A lot of people refuse to give money to Blizzard for transfers and quit instead.

People are lame. They did it themselves to the servers. The only solution is to rebalance servers and lock transfers.

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people did what they did because the wanted to avoid competition and retaliation

forcing them into conflict by merges and lock will just piss people off and make them quit
they wont get conscripted into a faction conflict they already got off

Pretty much any “solution” makes people quit but the non-solution has had people quit in droves.

I’m sure Blizzard is happy though short term when they get $1000+ in microtransactions for each guild that transfers. Long-term, sub numbers are down and people play other games (that offer the exact same thing at this point) and don’t come back.

servers will die in P2 because people are going to find out that tier 5 is like doing aq40 but twice every week. boring bad raids

so basically everything in WoW except Ulduar?

The exact thing happened during the original TBC. How many balanced PVP servers do you think there were by the middle of TBC? To my recollection, very very few. Why anyone would think it would be different this go-around is baffling.

You’re right, but entirely the wrong reasons.

Tidewalker/KT/Vash going to make a fool out of casual, mid tier guilds. Probably take them months of farming just to get past these obstacles. Because conceptually mid tier guilds are full weak players and make many bad decisions.

If that’s the case, wouldn’t those people be better off on PvE servers?

For some reason, a lot of people are on PvP servers even though they’re aren’t really into PvP.

How about this as a compromise. They should balance the servers, and lock transfers, but offer free transfers off to PvE servers for people who want them. Would that work? Or, they can just make all the heavily imbalanced servers PvE, and offer transfers to the few balanced servers for people who want to PvP, then lock those.

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Because the “Private Server Meta” says PVP is real players and PVE is for kids. A lot of the issues from TBC stem from people following ‘the meta’ instead of actually doing what they enjoy.


historically PvP servers had remained alive and had bigger population than pve/rp servers
people afraid of server dying went pvp the “sure” thing to do.

and well
 they do have a lot of people.

Yep it’s super annoying as a person who actually likes playing on a PVP server with factions. What I know is that I picked the correct server type for the playstyle I want. The majority (80%+) picked PVP because the guilds tend to be more progressed on PVP servers (which is part of the problem) or someone told them to roll on one.

It would be far better if people could just get the guilds and PVE progression they wanted from PVE servers instead of so many thinking they are “lesser servers”
 because what PVE servers offer is a better fit.

Then people make comments like “Nobody actually likes PVP servers” and “Everyone wants to be on the majority side” and I’m like “Well I like PVP servers and will even roll on one where I’m on the minority side”. if people would just start saying most instead of “all” in these comments that would be nice. That will never happen though so I have to keep feeling the need to correct them, even though I don’t reply to most of the extremely common “everyone is the same!” comments :frowning:

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I honestly have no idea what the server populations are like now in retail, but I do remember the first couple of PvE servers I rolled on faded out over time. Seems like everyone eventually gathered on Stormrage and Area 52. This was pre crz.

It might be more accurate to say “Most people don’t see wPvP as their primary way of enjoying the game and they’re willing to sacrifice it for other advantages”.

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If people really enjoyed wpvp they would be doing it without needing an incentive. We have a ton of people that enjoy ganking and griefing though, which is why PvP servers are lop sided.

Back in the day people played this game for just the fun so it wasn’t an issue, now people need a carrot in front of their face at all times.

Nobody likes PvP servers, thats why they all congregate on the ones where there is no pvp to be had. The devs understood this back in the day when they noticed nobody played the wpvp objectives in Silithus or EP, so they fixed it by focusing on instance based battlegrounds. Thats why we get epics from arena and bgs, and not from Halaa.

Those wpvp objectives are relics from an old design philosophy that got axed half way through tbc’s development.

That’s fair and I agree with this, especially with you saying most. :wink:

This is the type of generalization that I’d say is a pet peeve. When you lump everyone together and refuse to see that someone may fit outside the mold you’re both rarely correct and it makes you look close-minded. Although I’d say most players applies here too.

Ehh, I see what argument you’re trying to make here, but I can understand the OP’s point as well. Getting camped when you’re trying to progress through PvE content will cause people to quit.

And no amount of empathy-less “Stop whining it’s a PvP server!” posts will change their experience. If anything it’ll make it worse.

But, if you guys are okay with fewer people playing overall, keep the posts/messages coming!