P2 will cause servers to die

exactly people don’t realize our servers are triple to quadruple the size what they were designed for, hence layer band aid.

The Alliance feel like they’re perma-camped (engagements/interactions) by horde because populations are too high by original development design.

Put it this way, I started a Kill On Sight list, and abandoned it after 2 weeks or so because it grew so large, and I NEVER saw any of the people on my KOS. Our servers are just too big.

If no one camps at all… how is it taking you >3min to get back inside of TK?

If a raid of people camp outside of TK, it takes 8-10min minimum to get back, since you’re going to eat 3-4 deaths easily as you corpse hop your way away from Cosmowrench and hopefully far enough away to mount up safely and actually get inside. Longer still if anyone manages to give you a row of DoTs so you die mid-air over the void.

Why would blizzard do anything? if you want to raid on a pvp server, you know the consequences of choosing a pvp server.
You made your bed and now you have to lie in it :smiley:

I truly envy you. That’s the best experience that I used to enjoy on Herod. At least during the earlier parts of classic. I would savor that moment. Tbh it’s quite boring being on the dominant faction. I don’t even bother equipping pvp gear anymore and to think I had a plan for pvp progression.

Because no one mentioned TK but SSC choke point was mentioned multiple times so wtf are you talking about?


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