They all go down together is really easy, you just co-ordinate with your raid the percentages of their hp just like how you’d do it for Thaddius. Everytime I’ve attempted it ~4 times I’ve completed it first try just stack 2 to each side.
I wasn’t aware that shocking was bugged, maybe because I got it first lockout and never took notice of other people getting theirs.
Im a raid org in a casual guild, sometimes we can even fill 25 for our runs let alone attempt all the achivements on a weekly basis. We are really trying tho and the removal of these mounts with the progress weve already made towards completion would not sit well with a lot of people. Item lvl restriction to get the aheivements sounds great so people actually have to make an effort to get it.
badly design in the sense it’s not based on you dying it’s hoping your team mates don’t die and botch everything up for you. Even with better connections we have today theres always the chance ppl have to step away from the keyboard for what ever reasons.
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There’s nothing skill based about immortal/undying, unless you count ruthlessly gkicking low performers. Almost, but not quite as toxic an achievement as the one that demanded you bench people to get it.
They should have made immortal/undying into a personal achievement like the dodge volcano rocks mini game.
But why is this necessary? Its not.
All the glory achievements are easy to achieve. People have been back tracking to get them throughout the years.
Actually, some are harder to do later on because you need the boss alive in order to do certain things but you end up accidentally punching him to death even while naked.
If they choose a ilevel restriction, what should that be and how should it work? Do you think they could get that done by Ulduar release?
I would say 226 at the very least. Maybe a little higher since Naxx did get a 30% HP increase.
Also should these restrictions apply to just Immortal/Undying?
Low performing wont cost undying or immortal, falling over will.
Exactly. And those same people are likely raid-logged, refusing to help alts/new guildies get into the content while also refusing to help said guildies get their own meta-drakes
Hard agree
Yes, emphatically yes.
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I find it interesting that you mention #nochange so often but aren’t mentioning that getting the achieves in classic has ALREADY CHANGED. Undying is now only on boss fights, Sarth 3D drake buffs/debuff have changed.
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I got my plagued drake so they can remove that one from the meta for phase 2!
Just kidding, I can link my timestamped achievement for the 0 people who give a damn lmao
Keep em. I dont see a reason to add an ilvl restriction, even.
Undying/immortal was always boss only.
Remove the meta for the boys.
Welcome to the everyone’s gotta get a trophy generation.
You snooze you lose.
The person who puts in the most work should get the most reward.
The early bird gets the worm.
Gatekeeping makes sense.
It’s not just a cosmetic. There is a performance boost tied to it in the form of a 310% speed boost. Either add more 310% flying mounts that can be unlocked or leave the achievement in.
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Just leave the mounts in. Nobody cares about prestige in classic
Uh oh. It’s the fun police.
I have no problem with them live in the glory days. But if they were leaving the glory days, Blizzard wouldn’t be contemplating leaving it in.
If they regret it taken it out, To the point that they are willing to Leave it in for classic, They should invoke that same logic and put it back in on retail as well. That’s what I meant.
Why have achievements at all? They aren’t necessary.
They serve a purpose on retail, but they serve none on classic. I would say remove them entirely but that wouldnt happen. The whole point of classic is to relive content that you have done, didnt finish, or never started. Gating things like mounts run counter to that point.