I have issues with your projected timeline. If we look at just the raid progression timeline, even if they released BWL in mid January (which i dont think they will, mid feb has been my guess since release) it would still have been a 5 month gap between raid content releases.
They released DM early because a good portion of the pop was ready for it. They released Phase 2 (which only really added Honor) once a large portion of the playerbase had reached 60 and were raiding, the screeching on these very same forums to release P2 ASAP were just as loud as the people thinking it was going too fast.
Now theyre releasing JUST the battlegrounds a couple months early, probably due to the fact many PvP servers are imbalanced and the screeching from the smaller faction players is even LOUDER than those who wanted P2 super early.
The fact is, raid content is being spaced well. If we just look at that, projections look more like:
BWL - Feb
AQ - July
Naxx - Nov/Dec
Thats a much more reasonable timeframe for things to roll out, and I wouldnt be suprised to see longer gaps later on, as content gets more difficult and progression for a majority of the guilds takes more time.
Imbalanced factions will still exist after BGs come in, however those that are left out in the world PVPing will be those least interested in honor, and most interested in griefing.
Correct, to recreate the classic experience. World PvP as we have it now only existed for like 50 days back in the day. Given the private server created meta of camping flight paths/etc coupled with an immensely higher population created an obvious problem.
This had to happen, I’m surprised they didn’t just release BGs with the honor system tbh. Be glad you have 3 weeks of this.
Be WoW Classic Community:
Complain about World PvP Demand Blizz take action!
Complain and demand BG’s so you can continue leveling ungriefed
Complain Blizzard upped BG release
Realize that there is no making you happy and you are just a terrible unhappy person
Cry on forums again
No wonder Blizzard didn’t want to release Classic. You guys clearly don’t know what you want, you think you do, but you don’t.
That was out the window with server population being much larger than in vanilla. P2 is a total crapshow, it’s not about getting us ready for shadowlands, its about making the game playable for alliance on PvP servers. We are still on the first tier of raiding so chill out.
You are right… hell they should go ahead and release Black Temple and Sunwell too… you know because having them available wont stop you from doing MC/BWL/AQ40, many of those dungeons have loot in them you dont want to just skip…
The hypocrites want the Phase releases to match the content release timeline of Vanilla, but only when it suits them.
Ask them when Blizzard should progress from Phase 6 to TBC and almost every single one of them will say never. They don’t want a Vanilla schedule, if they did, they’d want Phase 6 to end on the same schedule as well.
SOME guilds will clear BWL week 1. And since we’re on 1.12, BWL isnt in its most difficult state, so It should be a little easier than some remember. On my realm there are still plenty of guilds having problems working through MC. Just because the top guys clear in no time flat doesnt mean the content will be accelerated because of them. It didnt happen with MC, so why would it with BWL?
AQ I think will be a reality check for a lot of guilds who blew through MC and only had hiccups with BWL
people in real vanilla were less organized. And there was less people overall. 24/7 bloodbaths in every zone didn’t exist, only in prime times and not on every server.
Wasn’t a fundamental problem of Vanilla is enough people didn’t get to do all the content? Especially Naxx?
So even if 1000 more guilds are farming MC/Ony now with the pop disparities, doesn’t that probably mean there’s 1000’s more players that aren’t experiencing this? You know, like how ratios work?
How is a new expansion and leveling past the point of relevancy in any way similar to Naxx being available while you are still in blues?
Do you really need the forced time gate to keep you from going into raids you may be ready for?
It isn’t like we are going to suddenly stop doing MC, the only place for legendaries, or BWL, the place with a bunch of pre-Naxx best in slot, or even AQ…
Classic content tiers didn’t invalidate earlier ones in the way that later expansions got in the habit of doing.
There is very little danger in having them available from the start, other than maybe some hardcore guilds clearing a dungeon before you, which they will anyway.
The race for world firsts of this stuff ended back in 06. It being in the game is not going to significantly impact the pace of the vast majority of guilds.