P2 is only 3 weeks

Not saying they did a good job at it, but it was their goals. Obviously they suck at meeting those expectations.

THen why are you playing it

It was a time dump, but now I’m not sure if its worth the investment. Want my stuff?

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Blizz is doing an awesomw job wrecking classic.

Its actually impressive.

They have the entire foundation of the game already laid out and they STILL managed to screw it up.


The issue is the Alliance getting absolutely obliterated. They needed a way to save them, and BG’s are it.

BWL being held till early (Feb prob) 2020, is fine.


I’m willing to bet most, if not all, will be out before shadowlands drops

Why would they ever want their playerbase split with a new expansion out? Classic is a time killer until then

Also hell yeah for BGs!

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If they can push stuff back to where Naxx releases at the same time/around when Shadowlands will drop, I won’t feel like I’m just part of a plot to get more retail players for Blizz. But with the way things are lining up it seems like Naxx might only be cleared by a minor portion of the total population because Blizz is releasing new content right after.

I would assume a good amount of Classic base won’t play Retail again. Its more so just killing off a player base they just captured back from the Pservers.

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Not sure what you guys expected from Blizzard. Everything they do is strategic. Did you really think they actually wanted classic? Retail is near dead and they needed a way to get people playing again. Classic was merely a stop-gap time killer until shadowlands. The goal is to kill off classic as quick as possible. You didn’t actually think people will still be playing classic a year from now did you?

Why would anyone be mad about this? WPVP is not fun right now, its just gank squads/raids everywhere all the time, and most servers are over horde heavy, BGs is also a better way to get honor while offering a more balanced and fun experience.


Upset at how fast everything is going. Feels like a race almost.


I knew it lol

I knew Blizzard would do something.

BGs add nothing to make it feel like a race.

And I’d assume a good amount are retail players just passing time until the disaster that is BfA is over and will return with shadowlands. But shadowlands might be awful too and maybe by then BC realms will drop and they’ll return

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I am not mad. I wanted to play Classic with the content phases they planned.

The content changes are too fast. It wasn’t what I was thinking it was going to be.

So… I’m just going to find a different game to play. Won’t be hard, there are plenty.

Good Luck. Have fun.

WTF are you talking about, its battlegrounds, BWL still isn’t coming till Feb. Most here never experienced Honor without BGs, and it wasn’t all that great the first time around, and its a complete mess this time and a net negative on a large portion of the playerbase.


All of BFA is a content drought.


Can’t really argue with that. Just got PF Part 1 yesterday, and not sure I have the fortitude to grind out part 2.

wPvP will be dead once BGs come out. Was hoping for at least 2 months of wPvP, but cry babies always get their way with money hungry corporations

You expected them to allow unbalanced servers to roll the lower pop side for 2 months? lol, literally roll an ally on any PVP server right now and tell me with a straight face that it was something they should have allowed to go on.

Their goal is to make money. Still not seeing that?

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