P2 is only 3 weeks

Meant to reply to your original post obviously

Then you miss the point.

It’s about all the phases. BWL will be released earlier then intended, along with ZG, AQ, Naxx and boom done in time for Shadowlands!

I am not complaining, old av was the 1 thing I was most excited about. I hope we can somehow manage those multihour fights.

Did you expect them to release content at the exact same pace as they did in 2005? Why the hell would they do that?


But what’s the point releasing all the content in a year or less?

Oh thats right, the flagships next big thing.

Oh my bad I didn’t know you worked for Blizzard and had info on their exact release schedule. Carry on then. :roll_eyes:

BWL released 8 months after initial launch and about 5 after EU launch

ZG launched 2 months after BWL

AQ events started 4 months after that and 6 months from BWL

Naxx was less than 6 months after THAT.

We’re like… right on schedule with the EU release, do people really think it took forever for them to release things in vanilla? They released MORE and FASTER back then.

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Where did this come from? Did I say I know the release schedule?

Galdor is your man, he knows Blizz.

But this is 'Merica so no.

That’s also assuming they stick to those dates. I would be alll for it but again.

Sounds like BGs are happening on a PvP server.

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Awwwh. It’s confused.

EU launch was a much better pacing then NA launch. Mostly because NA launch was a damn disaster and took a lot of their resources to fix.

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PvE Server that way >>>>

You are seriously confused. Go on, git.

Hmmmm /10chars

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Early 2020 doesn’t mean January 1st you drama Queens. It was always going to be 6 months at most, if you anticipated 6 months per major raid tier.

Bgs are getting pushed early because wpvp is a train wreck.

People are making a way bigger deal out of this than needs be.


Sorry that I can do this thing called forecasting.

You know, when things happen in a certain pattern and you can start to guess when the other things will happen. Like, I can forecast your next comment will have no value to it! Better make it a good one :wink:

Also because the real Vanilla date would land it right in the middle of Blizzard vacation time.

Yes I agree you have no idea when anything will be released and are talking out your @ss :+1:

You’re right! I never said I did!

Thank the rush rush rush and streamers for the fast phases. We want it now!!!
A few ppl have stated they need to just dump it all out now and be done with classic by this summer.

I agree also that some better games are on the way and that makes leaving yet again easy since we have ppl in full mc gear 2 1/2 months into the games life cycle. Not to mention the layering and the exploit bug helped ruin the relaunch.
