Overwolf is not safe

TW Blizzard determined that overwolf was a Cheat Program during the Taiwan government mediation and therefore suspended the account.

um… what?

Did you get your account suspended? Have filed an appeal?

I don’t use overwolf, as the separated Curseforge from it.

I installed the OVERWOLF app and used curseforge, WCL, and tftactics to play WOW (Taiwan server) and TFT (Taiwan server). However, on March 16, 2024, I received a message from TW Blizzard. email said: Account Action: Account Closure Offense: Exploitative Activity: Unauthorized Cheat Programs (Hacks). I was very surprised because I did not use any cheating programs, so I complained to Taiwan’s consumer protection agency (Taiwan government agency ), and on May 2, 2024, under the auspices of the consumer protection agency, I started a coordination meeting with TW Blizzard. During the coordination meeting, TW Blizzard presented information, which stated that I was between February 15, 2024 and The illegal program OVERWOLF was used a total of 10 times on the 21st. WTF I don’t understand why OVERWOLF was recognized as Cheat Programs by TW Blizzard. I just used its curseforge to update addons and WCL to upload battle records. That’s all. I would like to remind everyone that if you use the OVERWOLF application, Blizzard will judge it as a Cheat Program and your account will be suspended. The above is translated by GOOGLE. Please forgive me if the grammar is not fluent.

If that is the determination that the TW region had for you, you’ll need to take it up with them. Different regions / countries, have different rules. We have no input or jurisdiction there.

I can’t speak for any one program, but that TW recognizes it as a cheat program, assuming what you are claiming is true, is not necessarily the same for all regions. I know of no particular issues with that here.