Well what Overwolf says is they want to have a conversation with the people who are scraping their website. It’s other people who are saying they want to just shut them down.
It’s a bit harder when you’re running 57 addons like I am, and I know folks that run many, many more than I do.
That’s why managers exist.
But dammit I’ll pare that down and manually update before using that bloated garbage from Overwolf.
If you read what Overwolf says though they are releasing a client “similar to the curse client” and that isn’t ready yet.
Re the topic of scraping:
On September 9 2020, the U.S. 9th circuit court of Appeals ruled that web scraping public sites does not violate the CFAA (Computer Fraud and Abuse Act). This is a really important decision. The court not only legalized this practice, but also prohibited competitors from removing information from your site automatically if the site is public. The court confirmed the clear logic that the entry of the web scraper bot is not legally different from the entry of the browser. In both cases, the “user” requests open data — and does something with it on their side.
Basically they want to give them a chance to shut it down before they get the lawyers involved is what it sounds like.
It’s not just the action of downloading/installing addon updates. That’s the easy part. The part I would most dread if I stopped using an addon manager is the ability to quickly see which addons actually need to be updated. I mean, right now, I wouldn’t even know a quick way to check which addons need updating without it taking an insane amount of time, as I don’t think the website has a way of reading your addons folder … but I’m all ears . Otherwise, I think the only way would be to literally to check the website, then check the folder and see if the version numbers line up and do that for each addon, every day, forever.
Again, unless there is a way I don’t know of that is more convenient using the website, I can’t see many people doing this and it’s a pretty big deal.
Oh so because is a different client, then obviously it won’t have any of the shady systems that are already implemented in their app that already is out in the market?
Yep, this thread has devolved as well.
Oh well.
I don’t think the clowns running overwolf understand they don’t own any rights to any of the addons like they think they do.
The service was doing just fine and was great and built up over the years before Overwolf bought it.
Nothing was, Curse was just THE platform to be on before this whole thing started, and now the only viable competitor is wowinterface, which doesn’t really have half the features.
overwolf owns the place addons are uploaded and they want to cut others off
we need an alternative uploading location atm
We got an Overwolf fanatic defending them with ignorance rather than actual points, sadly.
Only thing we can do is keep bringing up our dislike and hope enough voices can join that we can make Overwolf step back a little.
Irrelevant as I’m being told Overwolf is located in Israel.
If it’s similar to their Heartstone client, expect ad overlays on WoW.
If you believe them at their word then I’ve got some magical beans you might be interested in…
Is it? I know the US likes to apply its laws internationally when it comes to the Internet sometimes so…🤷
We have multiple.
Both wowinterface and github exist. Problem is, cursforge has been paying addon devs based on traffic for YEARS, so why would they go anywhere else? (not always in cash, you’d get points and you can use those points to buy things like gift cards)
I said it in the other thread, and I’ll say it here.
Overwolf’s behavior involving malware is well known, and all over the place. People are talking about it on WoWhead, among other places. Reality is that I refuse to even take a chance when someone has that kind of reputation, especially among people in my own circle. I have a tech guy in my group of people who I run everything by - and he will not use Overwolf because of its reputation and his concern involving malware. That’s good enough for me.
Overwolf will never wind up on my PC. Ever. And I refuse to use them. I have already written down all of my addons and will be manually installing / updating from now on. Additionally, Overwolf’s behavior involving other people and aiming to scare others into simply destroying themselves is despicable, and I hope they fail as a result.
Well $%$@$%$ Out of all my looking into things I had completely forgot to check that. And sure, enough you are right.
Ok. So, privacy. Yea. . . not going to use AT ALL.
In our last thread last night before it got to this point several of us were discussing developing an alternative list that links to all the source repos possible. I am sure something will rise to the surface to help support the other clients that are out there now.
Thanks for the heads up on them being in Israel Skoom!
I’m not a fanatic but people did this stuff with the curse client and Wowhead. People just repeated that it was bad and malware over and over without any proof.
I don’t see any reason to believe some random forum poster over what Overwolf says they will do which is creating an add-on client similar to the curse client that is supported by ads (with the option to opt out in some way) that gives most of the ad revenue to addon developers.
Even if their addon client is “bloated” if you only run it to update your addons every now and then why would it matter enough to call Overwolf evil?