Overwolf destroyed one of our add-on apps

Many, many add-on authors don’t do it for the money - or do it with the support of a community on Patreon or similar.

Overwolf can die in a fire. They’re basically trying to force their crappy adware on everyone, and the answer from almost everyone is gonna be a resounding NOPE NOPE NOPE.

WowUp (supported by Patreon) has support for multiple providers, including its own hub.

My issue with them is that they bought Curseforge from Twitch. It was inevitable from that day that things were gonna go downhill fast, and turn into an epic journey through the land of adware.


Dear Overwolf, please leave wowup alone and let it keep working as it does? :pleading_face:


Dear Overwolf, we know your can’t read because you’re just a wolf, but if someone could please… have you stop eating our sheep. Thanks.


That’s sharp. How big is your screen?


I have no problem paying for the ad free subscription on Curseforge just like I did with the old Curse Client that existed before Twitch took over.

thanks for the discord links. I am a bit of an addon hound.

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Just a 22", nothing amazing. Hehe


I’d rather pay add-on authors directly, than trust a company with the reputation of Overwolf to somehow let money “trickle down” to them.


I am disappointed that the author of Ajour had to make the hard decision to stop development due to the API change. Ajour was my favorite addon mananger.

I’m probably going to switch to WowUp from Ajour now that Ajour is no longer being worked on. I want to avoid Overwolf as much as possible.

Pretty sure it’s more complicated than that, though. Otherwise the moment overwolf bought Curse everyone would have just dumped it and ran.

I know the dbm author had a very public talk about how the money he was making through Curse allowed him to look after his sick mother.

The way it’s set up, I believe they get money from clicks or downloads through Curse and nothing through wowup/adjour
So there’s incentive for the big boys to push out updates quickly on Curse and no incentive to help the free sites.

Shady information selling aside, there’s nothing really wrong with overwolf buying Curse and monetising it to cover their costs /make money.

The issue the players have is with the authors who want compensation for their work, have been offered compensation for their work but don’t like the inevitable repercussions of getting work for free (heavy advertising and private info selling)

I won’t use overwolf, myself. But as I said earlier I understand why:

  1. Authors do what they do
  2. Over wolf does what they do
  3. Players don’t want to have to pay

I think you can still use MultiMC and just download the manifest from curseforge.

Haven’t been on a minecraft kick in a while so not sure.


Great show!


It’s not a show. That’s how long it takes to start the Overwolf program. You have to click it a hundred times.

QFT. I’m fine with addon authors receiving donations. The way that Overwolf is doing things feels scummy and I don’t trust them.


Then you have other issues. I click Curseforge and it takes maybe a couple of seconds to load.


You’re probably right.

this is comparing apples to oranges. Games like Skyrim are poster childs for mods because they don’t change often enough. Compare this to a game like WoW where in a normal expansion you’ll get patches coming every couple months. People are willing to invest time to make a cool thing and be done with it for fun. But it starts to get bad when you need to constantly make sure that thing is updated so it doesn’t break.

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Why do you leave it running? Open it update addons then close.