Overwolf Denies WoWUp Its API

Check out wago.io which can update through Wowup. DBM is there along with quite a few other popular addons. GitHub has quite a few addons as well. I now update Handynotes in Wowup from GitHub.


Honestly just sticking with WoWup. If addon makers don’t wish to put their addons there, then they do not wish to have me as a user of their addon, and that’s fine. That’s their choice to make I suppose, but I’ll never support Overwolf again.

They can blame bad faith advertisers all they want, but the fact is their app has definitely housed malware in the past.


I run Curseforge/Overwolf every other day to check for updates. Then I close it out and it’s completely closed out. I have used it since it took over and have had zero issues with it.

10/10 agreed. There should be ZERO monetization of fan sites, and that’s what all of this was before greedy people wanted to toss in ads, paywalls to get updates/dls faster/remove ads, and try to force install a bunch of random BS you don’t need/want.


but I don’t remember ever being stopped from updating my addons or seeing advertisements. I enter the app and I click “update all”, I close their client and then I enter the game.
honestly I don’t even remember what their app’s face looks like.

This is exactly where I stand and that won’t change.


Same, it’s not a big deal doing it a few times a month at most.

It really isn’t installing anything unless you give it permission to do so.
You can tell it to shut down completely when you close the window.
You see maybe 1 ad in the time it takes to update addons and close it back down.

No malware or anything bad. I haven’t even had a single false positive with it installed.
As the guy who cleans/fixes PCs for friends and family, I would have noticed if it was doing anything untoward by now.
I’m no fan of these types of things, but it’s not mandatory. It is purely a convenience and if you don’t want to install and run it you don’t have to. You can even likely avoid Curseforge altogether by seeking out the addons you use directly.

Thank you for putting a grin on my face today. I’m still chuckling about that “fake” stuff. :rofl:

Let me guess, you don’t use WoWhead or the Cursedforge web sites either right? As both had their issues with malware in their ad streams in the past. And just incase you missed it, WoWup had to agree to having an ad on their updater to use the Wago.io repo.

I only use DBM and GTFO these days anyway. I’ll just update them manually.

The standard UI works just fine and allows for an easy 30 kbs. New UI on the way in DF. I’ll be fine.

So manual installation it is.

Malware. It’s not safe to use.

That’s easily solved with an adblocker though.

And fear of installing malware is easily solved with a decent malware protection app :slight_smile:

A large portion of updates these days are from devs putting in rough localization at first and then being hounded by users for grammatical fixes.

Not sure if you guys realize this, but WoW actually PARTNERS with Wowhead, one of the most notorious for popups and ads in the history of fan sites. This may have changed, not sure, I’ve used ad blockers for as long as I can remember, but just because something runs on ads doesn’t mean Blizzard would have an issue with it. There is no WoW code on their servers, no one is violating copyright. They would have to have some moral stand against…making money? Which I’m sure the dev team are pretty familiar with given they work for a publicly traded company.

This is no comment on Overwolf itself. I don’t know anything about them, but it looks like I’ll be stuck opening their app once a day and closing it immediately after I update.

This is no comment on Overwolf itself. I don’t know anything about them, but it looks like I’ll be stuck opening their app once a day and closing it immediately after I update.

that’s all I do. Have to do it daily cause of the daily update spam by some mod updaters. (“disable noblegarden features” is a hilariously bad patch note)

have to admit that it’s easier than the old way of downloading the files themselves and putting them in the wow folder.

as for wowhead. Combination of PiHole and uBlock Origin or the site is absolutely un-usable.

I use it enough I’d be willing to put up with reasonable advertising.

But whatever WoWhead’s doing is not reasonable.


Ok so left work early today because I could… and decided to look into wowinterface to update addons that wowup says are curseforge only.

Now I’m beginning to wonder where/how wowup gets its list of what is available on what site… Because two of the addons that were supposedly exclusive to curseforge are on wowinterface. I haven’t gone through my whole list yet, but the two i’ve check thus far are Altoholic which most current version is 9.2 and I was a 9.1(something)… and Covenant Mission Helper.

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WoWInterface doesn’t have a search API for WowUp to use to get a list of available addons. You will need to find the addon webpage on WoWInterface and use the Install from URL option in WowUp to install the addon.

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Some of my addons are listed for wowinterface tho.

Addon Control Panel
Battle Pet Breed ID
Gathermate 2

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I had some of my already installed addons show WoWInterface as a provider when I right click and see options for multiple providers. That didn’t happen for all of them though and the ones that didn’t show up with alternate providers I had to search WoWInterface and install via URL or see if they are set up correctly on GitHub for WowUp to install.

Here’s a list of addons on GitHub that are compatible with WowUp for the ones you can’t find on WoWInterface or Wago: https://github.com/layday/github-wow-addon-catalogue/blob/main/addons.csv