Overwolf Denies WoWUp Its API

Yes, and it’s in that link. Any evidence that no one clicked said links and had issues, given all the reports of issues with Overwolf? Plenty of results for that one.

More than there are addon devs, probably. :3 Really do hope we see your downloads drop from your behavior here and glad I know an addon to tell people to avoid. You want people gone? I can help with that.

One, not a he. Two, telling others to ignore someone while you call them a name isn’t something you should be doing. But hey, people like you run around trying to ‘soothe’ someone throwing personal insults at someone while throwing some of your own so we can’t expect much can we? Definitely not trolling, though what you’re doing actually falls under that rule.

Another great day to not use addons.

Hey Blizzard, make update your UI ya freeloaders.

I don’t know if you can’t read, or if you are intentionally telling a lie, but in either case you’re wrong. I checked. Didn’t see what you describe. ha ha you got me. Good one buddy. Get a life. You clearly do not know how things work in the security world. As you seem to have so much time on your hands to do absolutely nothing worthwhile, go look up all of the reports for every program that you run in your PC and see if you can figure out how many of these reports resulted in a person’s PC who it didn’t happen to because they refuse to update their software in a timely manner. A great majority of these reports are discovered by white hats who will then secretly disclose the issue to the author of the product. Once a patch is available, they put out an alert so that people will know to get the patch. That’s the point. To find these things before the bad guys do, and especially before such things become so well known that they are a threat to too many people. Find me a product of any significance that doesn’t have some of these.

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Addon dev trying to make a living from their addon telling someone else to get a life over providing evidence of Overwolf’s issues, yeah I’m sure I’m the one that needs to do that…

I see you’re still unable to take your own advice, and actually provide sources(and evidence) for your own theories yet you ask others for that and more. Too bad that all the evidence in regards to Overwolf is all out there and you just stick your fingers in your ears and say no it’s not.


No you’re not sure of that… and that’s the problem. A lot of people would be happier if you were sure of that. What’s your big accomplishment in life? Clearly you’re not a software developer, security specialist, or manuscript writer (requires reading comprehension skills). Also, still waiting on that list of persons who were impacted by the reported vulnerability beyond that they had to just update their software to prevent being attacked by any yet to be identified site that has successfully deployed any known attack.

Pawzer: n. White belt trying to pick a fight with Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Chuck Norris all at the same time wonders why nobody takes him seriously here.

Noob here

I use WoWup. What does this mean. I don’t care about the ads. I don’t use a lot of add-ons and don’t usually upgrade until WoW tells me I’m out of date. But what does it mean it can’t use curse forge API?

It means that WowUp can no longer access the addons that are on CuresForge. You have to download them manually or use the CurseForge app for this now.

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I refuse to use CurseForge. I tried their OverWolf when it first came out but after a couple of days, I uninstalled it and installed WowUp instead.

Today I get this notice:

CurseForge Migration

Soon CurseForge will be blocking WowUp from being able to update your addons.

There has got to be a way to keep those addons we use updated without being forced to use only ONE addon manger. As far as I am concerned, Overwolf is a monopoly that is forcing its use on players for the use of addons, which are actually not made by them.

I would much rather support those developers, of the specific addons I do use directly, without Overwolf taking over. So there needs to be a way to do that without being forced to use an addon manager I detest!

If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate hearing them.

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Check out Wago.io and GitHub for addons. Those sites allow downloads via Wowup. Wago is a competitor to Curse when it comes to addons. Curse is the largest addon repository, but it isn’t the only one.

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Sorry for the spaces but Wow’s site would not allow me to post it as you had it in link format.

Thank you very much.

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Imagine if you had to go back to manually checking for updates before each time you log in.

…the horror.


Well to be fair, probably 99% of your addons don’t need to be updated every day. Hell I just checked my mods thru Overwolf and I have some from previous versions of the game and they still work just fine.

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Perhaps Blizzard will make the call and eliminate addons. That will resolve this issue once and for all.

Honestly I use so many addons for things and about half are only on curseforge so I just manually download from the site directly once a month and update the rest through wowup.

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Once per week after the tuesday reset…

Opens Overwolf.
Clicks “update” two or three times.
Closes Overwolf.

As a user of it, for convenience, I don’t personally see what the problem is… but then I also don’t care if my fake data is stolen if that is indeed what’s going on. Yes, my name really is Fakey McFakerson of 123 Fake Street, apartment 69-B, Fakeville Uzbekistan


tell that to all the add-ons that seem to update every single day or scream that their broken.

I am truly amazed that some of these add on developers are finding enough content to need to do nearly daily updates.

EG: Titania’s Media dn TomCat’s Tours… You’re getting nearly DAILY updates now… what bloody new content are we getting that’s getting daily updates? honestly, some of the update spam by the mods needs to be reigned in. I’m removing add ons that can’t seem to smarter with their updates schedules

edit: figured out why TomCat’s tours updates almost daily: The developers didn’t put any “checks” against the calendar. So they seem to be releasing a new update for every change in world event. love this add-on but the developers are pretty silly.


who cares


Lol then blizzard would have to host its own addon library.

So many people in here complaining a company providing a service is expecting to generate revenue.

Not a single one of the complainers is making their own addons, nor making their own server to host add-ons for free with no ads.

Does it suck, sure, but they are incurring costs and need to generate revenue (and even a profit) that’s how companies work, and since blizzard is too lazy to have a proper AI, and blizzard is too cheap to host add-ons themselves this is what you get.

Also posting the tos in regards to add-ons is funny. That doesn’t apply to add-ons hosting, it merely says add-ons cannot require payment or generate revenue to be used in game. Otherwise TSM would be gone far far far faster than curseforge.

I don’t even like curseforge or bloatware but so many think everything in life just should come free.

The addon client thing is getting really tiring. Wowup was fantastic and it did exactly what you wanted it to and nothing more.

I guess I’ll be forced to install the Overwolf thing at this point.

I think it’s up to the developers to move to another platform at this point. If WA, DBM, Bartender, Dominos, Handynotes, etc pulled their addons, I bet you an avalanche of others would follow. But that’s unlikely to happen.

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